2005 - Blog GilaChess

Singapore vs Malaysia 2005

By GilaChess - December 31, 2005
Singapore vs Malaysia 2005 This event is held annually and last year, Malaysia lost by a margin of 10 points. You can find the official report on MCF website. This year, armed with the knowledge that the Singapore team is not as strong as last year as Singapore had an extra estimated ELO 1500 more than Malaysia. Boy were we wrong and took...

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Off to singapore

By GilaChess - December 24, 2005
off to singapore Originally uploaded by gilachess. Will be travelling with the malaysian team via train to singapore this christmas eve. Wish us luck !! ...

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GilaChess Protopage

By GilaChess - December 23, 2005
I've created my own protopage for chess at: http://www.protopage.com/gilachess Protopage = personalized news + sticky notes + bookmarks, all on one page. I've created my own protopage for chess at: http://www.protopage.com/gilachess Protopage = personalized news + sticky notes + bookmarks, all on one page. ...

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Gift from Kosteniuk

By GilaChess - December 18, 2005
I received an email from GM Alexandra Kosteniuk a few weeks ago asking for my mailing address. I was apprehensive at that time because I thought why would someone like that want to send me anything. Anyway I gave my address and this is what I received in my mail a few days ago. Opening the package I found... It was a souvenir...

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Bobby Fischer's stuff up for sale

By GilaChess - December 16, 2005
Bobby Fischer's stuff up for sale at EBay. Current price for the whole lot is USD 35,000 !! However Bobby Fischer himself quoted that his belongings which 'they' stole were worth 'millions'. Bobby Fischer's stuff up for sale at EBay. Current price for the whole lot is USD 35,000 !! However Bobby Fischer himself quoted that his belongings which 'they' stole were worth...

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Wonderboy Carlsen for World Championship

By GilaChess - December 16, 2005
Magnus Carlsen beat Malakhov 2.5 - 1.5 in the World Cup held in Siberia. With this win, Magnus is guaranteed at least 10th place in the World Cup, qualifies for World Championship in 2007. However, he has to get thru the qualifying rounds in 2006 to select the top 8 players. Magnus Carlsen beat Malakhov 2.5 - 1.5 in the World Cup held...

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Hot time for Singapore Chess

By GilaChess - December 15, 2005
New super GM Mark Paragua and host of other strong GMs will be taking part in the current Singapore Masters 2005 GM Mark Paragua who made his appearance here in Malaysia on September in the Zonal 3.3 had an impressive outing at the recent World Cup. He is to be joined by other strong GMs like GM Zurab Azmaiparashvili (2658) of Georgia, GM...

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Asian School Chess Festival in Singapore

By GilaChess - December 14, 2005
The Asian Schools Chess Festival is going to be held 18 to 24 December in Singapore. Age categories include: U-9 U-11 U-13 U-15 Over 150 pupils including 7 FMs and 2 WFMs representing Mongolia, South Korea, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, India, Sri-Lanka, Phillipines, Vietnam and Hong Kong are going to compete in this developmental event The Asian Schools Chess Festival is part...

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Humble Winner

By GilaChess - December 13, 2005
Left to right: Abdullah Che Hassan, Loeffler, Yusof Yasnain. This picture was taken during the Penang International Open when Abdullah Che Hassan, Norullah and Yusof Yasnain just finished their lunch. They spotted IM Loeffler walking alone. So they approached him. Noorullah asked: "Can we take pictures?" and IM replied: "What? Do you want me take a picture for you?" and the Malaysians laughed,...

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GACC Team current standings

By GilaChess - December 13, 2005
This is the current standings after 6 rounds for the team section:- No. Team Code Country Rd6 1 North Western Academy NWA RUSSIA 21 2 RSTM Nagpur University RNU INDIA 19 3 Nanyang Technological University A NTA SINGAPORE 18 4 SICI City Campus Colombo A SCA SRI LANKA 17 5 National University of Singapore NUS SINGAPORE 15.5 6 University Teknologi Malaysia UTM MALAYSIA...

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Starting em young

By GilaChess - December 13, 2005
Chess is being offered as part of a curriculum early to Singaporean kids. Probably why Malaysia is doing so well in our recent annual Malaysia vs Singapore frielndly matches. Neighbourhood schools these days are producing not just academically capable students but talented ones too. One activity some schools are offering to nurture talents is chess. For instance, chess is part of the curriculum...

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Susan Polgar Chess Blog: Judit Polgar's take on the cheating allegation

By GilaChess - December 09, 2005
Judit Polgar opinion on Topalov alleged cheating at San Louis ... (SP = Susan Polgar, JP = Judit Polgar) SP: Have you heard about the cheating accusation from one or two of the participants at the San Luis World Championship about Topalov using outside help to win the title? JP: Yes, I heard and I was shocked when I heard about it. It...

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GACC update

By GilaChess - December 08, 2005
This is what I got straight from the horses mouth from Nik Farouqi who is also playing in the tournament:- Top 10 players (all tied with 3 points after 3 rounds) Alexeev Evgeny 2632 Popov Valery 2588 Yevseev Denis 2554 Lovkov Roman 2365 P. Phoobalan 2264 Thakur Akash 2262 Deon Moh Teng Keong 2210 Law Zhe Kang 2209 Marcus Chan 2209 N. Vigneswaran...

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Painful lesson

By GilaChess - December 07, 2005
Chess Giants Phillipines did not get a single gold medal. Instead it was Vietnam who swept all the 8 gold medals from the recent SEA games. It was a painful lesson for the Phillipines despite the money and effort poured into their chess program. Excerpts taken from : The Manila Bulletin Online "Their chess program, which has been going on for decades, has...

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Pawn or Porn?

By GilaChess - December 06, 2005
A group of international grandmasters including Nigel Short, formerly Britain's top player, has launched the World Chess Beauty Contest, an internet competition to find so-called "chess chicks" beautiful women who play competitive chess. Jennifer Shahade, twice a US women's champion, said: "There is nothing wrong with making chess sexier by highlighting the hip players who participate. But I find the World Chess Beauty...

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SEA Games:No Medals

By GilaChess - December 05, 2005
The above result obtained from Vietnam Chess Website. They have a more updated SEA games result compared to the official site. It's a sad result for Malaysia compared to the 3 bronze we bagged last SEA Games. But at least we gained 3 IM norms:- Mok Tze Meng got his 2nd IM Norm Wong Zi Jing got his 3rd and final IM Norm...

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Meaning of GilaChess

By GilaChess - December 05, 2005
I got some feedback recently from the CAS Allegro last Sunday on my domain name - GilaChess.com. It's reminds people too much of hell especially the burning logo and this point is not particularly attractive to chess parents. It's like saying "you play chess, you go to hell" Hmmm... any suggestions?? I know I can't afford to change the name now. Perhaps just...

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SEA Games Good News

By GilaChess - December 05, 2005
After the disappointment of getting ZERO medals in the SEA games we finally have something good news. From Ching Kim Lye (relaying message from GM Ian Rogers):- Latest Good News!! FM Nicholas secured his first IM Norm yesterday & FM Wong just scores his 3rd & final IM norm today!! We will now have a new IM once FM Wong breaks the ELO...

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RSC winners

By GilaChess - December 01, 2005
Result of RSC Festival 20051. GM Bong Vilamayor (6.5)2. Jimmy Ng (6)3. Herman Rahman (6)4. Abdullah CH (6)5. Jax Tham (6)6. Choo Voo Koon (6)7. R. Subramaniam (6)8. Tan Vooi Giap (5.5)9. A W Karim (5.5)10. Masrin Erowan (5.5)11. Muhd Faizal KZ (5) ...

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SEA Games Update

By GilaChess - November 29, 2005
Malaysia got knocked out of the Men's Rapid Team section. Malaysia lost 1.5-2.5 to heavyweights Philippines and also lost to Vietnam with the same score too. The Malaysian was just unlucky to be paired with the 2 most strongest team there in the first round. Still 1.5 points is a good effort against these chess giants. Malaysia got knocked out of the Men's...

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U English Is Bad!

By GilaChess - November 29, 2005
Taken from Chess-Malaysia newsgroup regular posts (spotted by Jimmy Liew) Sometime i fill,sorry not fill anything when a .. Feel or Fill??? if u english cant make it,u talk so much at here... Note: This is just a sample. Most of the discussion there is in better English :) ...

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Fadli Zakaria SEA games incentives

By GilaChess - November 29, 2005
Fadli Zakaria offers these cash incentives to chess SEA GAMES players for 2005, 2007 and 2009 SEA GAMES. Gold medal for individual -RM1,000 Gold medal for team -RM1,500 Fadli Zakaria offers these cash incentives to chess SEA GAMES players for 2005, 2007 and 2009 SEA GAMES. Gold medal for individual -RM1,000 Gold medal for team -RM1,500 ...

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SEA Games Rapid 2005

By GilaChess - November 29, 2005
This is just a partial result (thanks to Ching Kim Lye for obtaining it). Sea Games Men's Individual Rapid 2005 Final 28/11/2005 FM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 1.5-0.5 GM Susanto Megaranto Semi-Finals 28/11/2005 IM Jason Goh Koon Jong 1-1 (0.5-1.5) GM Susanto Megaranto FM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 1.5-0.5 GM Eugenio Torre Quarter-Finals 27/11/2005 GM Wu Shaobin 0-2 FM Ngyuen Ngoc Troung Son...

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Penang FIDE Player List

By GilaChess - November 25, 2005
This is the probable list of the Fide-rated players at the Penang international open chess championship 2005 (7-11 Dec 2005) GM Mark Paragua (PHI) 2596 GM Drazen Sermek (SLO) 2526 GM Bakre Tejas (IND) 2484 GM Bong Villamayor (PHI) 2451 IM Stefan Loeffler (GER) 2440 WGM Tania Sachdev (IND) 2379 IM Chandrashekhar Gokhale (IND) 2377 IM Jimmy Liew (MAS) 2320 Tan Chin Hoe...

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Fritz 9

By GilaChess - November 25, 2005
So has anybody bought the all new Fritz 9 yet? From some of the feedback from blogs and forum, some buyers say that the 'new' features are just fluff and only visual eye candy. Some people has reported the pirated edition has hit the market here in Malaysia. That was fast... Full Edition USD 50.42 (DVD edition) Viva Media edition (Non-DVD edition) will...

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Penang Tourney on Dec 4

By GilaChess - November 24, 2005
There is the Johor open down South and then there is the CAS tourney Klang Valley (Central region).With the latest Penang Juniors open (up North), this makes it a 3 way clash of chess events in Malaysia on December 4, 2005. Penang tourney is for Juniors. Details:- THE third and final leg of a junior chess circuit organised by EZ Chess Enterprise will...

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Monetory Incentive Scheme (Malay only)

By GilaChess - November 24, 2005
I know that this is a bit of a touchy issue at Chess-Malaysia newsgroup recently but I've decided to post it anyway. Any monetory incentive for chess is good even with the racial limitation this particular scheme proposes:- From Mr Fadli Zakaria representing Epolychess Enterprise:- On behalf of Epolychess Enterprise,we gladly to announce starting next year january2006 to end january 2009(3 years),incentive scheme...

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My first post at GilaChess!

By GilaChess - November 23, 2005
I haven't posted in GilaChess.com for over a month. The last article I posted was one of my rare wins against Chan Tze Chen in the Chevrolet Open 2005. The reason is because the firewall at my office completely blocks GilaChess.com. That's very unfortunate as I can visit any other websites. That's why you see me posting more blog entries here instead of...

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Johor Tourney (4 Dec 2005) clash!

By GilaChess - November 23, 2005
There will be a tournament organised by The Johor Sports Council (Majlis Sukan Negeri Johor) Date : 4 Dec 2005 Start time : 8.30 pagi Place : Main Entrance,Stadium Larkin, Johor Bahru Fees : RM10.00 / person Tournament : Individual Open Closing Date: 2 Dec 2005 (Friday) Prizes : 1st(Rm250) 2nd(Rm150) 3rd(Rm100) 4th(Rm60) 5th(Rm50) 6th(Rm40) 7th(Rm30) 8th(Rm20) Contact : En. Akbar Shah b....

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CAS 2005 last event

By GilaChess - November 23, 2005
CAS last event of the year Date : 4th Dec (Sunday) Venue : Wilayah Complex. Rounds : 6 rounds Time : 10 am (Rd 1) Category 1 :National Rating of at least 1400 points and unrated Adult Category 2 :unrated Under-18 players and those with National rating less than 1400. Limited places - The COMBINE available places for Category 1 and 2 =...

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My Video Card blew up

By GilaChess - November 22, 2005
The electricity at my home is terrible. There are spikes and surges. Even with a surge protector there are still mishaps. The latest casualty was my Video card which blew up. One good thing that came out of it is I replaced it with an older card and it happened to be a better video card. What has this got to do with...

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School spends over USD 100,000 on chess

By GilaChess - November 22, 2005
Holmes, who coaches at East Chapel Hill High, said he wants the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board to begin paying chess coaches at schools. He also wants local districts to follow in the lead of the Charlotte-Mecklenberg schools, which are spending close to $100,000 this year to teach students chess. "It says something that the school system values chess enough that they give this...

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Short Shoots FIDE .. again

By GilaChess - November 22, 2005
From Australian IT article. Ranked 30th in the world and living in Greece with his wife and two children, Short accuses the World Chess Federation (FIDE) of mismanaging the game and failing to attract sponsors. "Next year people will be playing chess on their mobile phones, but FIDE is just not up to the job," he says. Interesting prediction by the former world...

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Chess Assisstive Tools

By GilaChess - November 20, 2005
Computer Chess - Assisstive Tools My first serious exposure with computer chess was back in 1987. The chess program was called Colossus and it ran on a Spectrum 8-bit computer connected to the TV. It had no mouse. It had no hard disk. I ran the program for a cassette tape!. Moves were entered via keyboard (eg: "e2-e4"). I'd rate Colossus at ELO...

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Lack of sponsors cripples Humpy: Coach .:. NewKerala - India's Top Online Newspaper

By GilaChess - November 18, 2005
"Lack of sponsors cripples Humpy: Coach Vijayawada: Koneru Humpy, fourth in the world women ranking and first woman Grandmaster in juniors (below 20 years) is suffering from lack of sponsors after the Bank of Baroda (BOB) severed its links with her in March. ">Lack of sponsors cripples Humpy: Coach .:. NewKerala - India's Top Online Newspaper: "Lack of sponsors cripples Humpy: Coach Vijayawada:...

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Downed TCN website is now up

By GilaChess - November 17, 2005
One of the many Chess websites that I maintain, The Chess Network (TCN) was down for almost a week because of server upgrades. The database has been upgraded from MySQL 3.23 to the newer (and supposedly better) MySQL 4.1. It took a bit of work on my part to figure out how to migrate all the old data to work with the new...

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Muscle man opening eatery with Chess tables

By GilaChess - November 15, 2005
New Straits Times - Malaysia News Online Malek will soon venture into a new area - food. He would open an eatery, an alfresco dining outlet with big screen television and tables with chess and checker boards. Source :New Straits Times - Malaysia News Online New Straits Times - Malaysia News Online Malek will soon venture into a new area - food. He...

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Topalov cheated?

By GilaChess - November 12, 2005
Sofia News Agency (a Hungarian website) posted these allegations about Veselin Topalov the winner of the FIDE World Chess Championship in San Luis Argentina. Source: Sofia News Agency An unnamed participant in the World Chess Championship in San Luis, Argentina, has accused Chess King Bulgarian Vesselin Topalov of using unallowed measures to win the title, index.hu reported. According to the article published on...

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First National Chess Camp

By GilaChess - November 11, 2005
date: Nov. 14-17 Coaches GM Ian Rogers IM Mas FM Lim Yee Weng FM Wong Zi Jing Jax Tham Julian Navaratnam Ismail Ahmad Gregory Lau Venue: The Chess Network, KL The good news (or bad?) is that response was so good even without broadcasting in GilaChess.com, the chess camp is already full. Next year, the top national age group winners will have free...

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Why women are not good at chess

By GilaChess - November 11, 2005
"It's hard to explain why women are not as good at chess. Maybe because men and women have different ways of thinking. Men are more logical, as is necessary in chess. A man allows himself to carry out more moves, and a woman is more sunk in thought. She wants to guarantee the move, to take less of a chance." China's 19 year...

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World junior chess begins today

By GilaChess - November 10, 2005
source : The Hindu NEW DELHI: In the absence of defending champion P. Hari Krishna, it appears highly unlikely that the boys' title will return to India from the World junior championship, beginning at Istanbul's Golden Age Hotel on Wednesday. Eesha Karavade, the surprise bronze medallist in the girls' section last year, along with Kruttika Nadig, Tania Sachdev, N. Raghavi and donor-entrant D....

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China eyes first Chess World title

By GilaChess - November 09, 2005
Taken from ShanghaiDaily.com China eyes first Chess World title 2005-11-09 China's national team yesterday sought to expand its narrow lead over heavily favored Russia in search of its first world chess championship. The two teams have been battling for the top spot since the tournament began November 1, with the Chinese men's team on Monday poking ahead by a half point. Heading into...

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Anand Upset by Vadim Milov

By GilaChess - November 07, 2005
Source: Chennai Online News Anand upset by unfancied Swiss opponent Bastia (France), Nov 6: Unfancied Swiss Grandmaster Vadim Milov shocked five-time champion Viswanathan Anand in the tie-breaker to clinch the Corsica Masters chess title here. A strong favourite for the title, Anand had won this knockout rapid chess event five times in a row from 2000 to 2004. In the final, Milov won...

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France vs Malaysia

By GilaChess - November 06, 2005
CHESS TOURNAMENT BY CORRESPONDENCE FRANCE -MALAYSIA Beginning of the tournament envisaged on January 15, 2006. Registration due before December 15, 2005 For France Benoit Galliou President of the ECAM For Malaysia François Bardouil Local organizer TOURNAMENT BY TEAMS Team tournament of players (four from France and four from Malaysia) - each French player will play against each player from this Malaysia team for...

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Kamaluddin Off Form

By GilaChess - November 06, 2005
Kamaluddin Off Form Originally uploaded by gilachess. It's rare to see Kamaluddin finish anything less than top 3 in most local tourneys. Today was an exception at the Segamat Open, Johor. The Chevrolet 2005 champ only manage to finish only at position 16. ...

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Anas is Segamat Champ

By GilaChess - November 06, 2005
Anas is Segamat Champ Originally uploaded by gilachess. Segamat Open 2005 winners1 Anas Nazreen2 Abdullah Che Hassan3 Salman Mistam4 Marzuki Yaacob5 Herman Rahman6 Baharuddin Hamzah7 Norullah Omar8 Tun Sri Lanang9 Leong Mun Wan10 Md Syafid KelanaFull results and pics will be posted officially on GilaChess.com when ( if ??) when I receive it from the organiser. ...

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Segamat Open(ongoing)

By GilaChess - November 06, 2005
Players taking part:Leong Mun Wan, Kamaluddin Yusof, Anas Nazreen Bakri, Tun Sri Lanang, Abdullah Che Hassan etc. Thanks to a GilaChess member SMS. Players taking part:Leong Mun Wan, Kamaluddin Yusof, Anas Nazreen Bakri, Tun Sri Lanang, Abdullah Che Hassan etc. Thanks to a GilaChess member SMS. ...

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Happy Deevali

By GilaChess - November 02, 2005
Happy Deevali wishes to all my Hindu chess friends. Happy Deevali wishes to all my Hindu chess friends. ...

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Not forgotten

By GilaChess - October 31, 2005
I lost my wallet last week but a good samaritan called me up (my namecard was in my wallet) and returned it back to me where I lost it - near a shopping complex. As I happily returned home, I passed this old poster. It's sad as it's a picture of a chess enthusiast - Koh Kai Hing. It's been almost a year...

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RSC details

By GilaChess - October 31, 2005
RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL 2005 Venue: Royal Selangor Club, Bukit Kiara Sports Annex Date: Sunday, Nov 27 (Last Day for registration is Nov 20) Time: 10 am to 6 pm Format: 7 Rounds Rapid-Play Entry Fee: RM 20 (20% discount for family with 3 or more players) PRIZES: 1st Prize: RM 500 + Spotted Dog Plaque + Cert + Challenge Trophy 2nd Prize:...

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RSC Open forms delay

By GilaChess - October 29, 2005
RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL RAPID-PLAY on 27 Nov at Royal Selangor Club, Bukit Kiara Sports Annex. Prize fund: RM1600. Sorry as I still couldn't get the details yet because Jax fax it to my office and the fax machine just didn't get it. Will try again to get the softcopy somehow. RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL RAPID-PLAY on 27 Nov at Royal Selangor Club,...

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Drinking Chess Tourney

By GilaChess - October 28, 2005
For each piece of yours that is taken, you are required to drink the value of the piece as measured in shot glasses of beer.Pawn - 1 shotKnight - 3 shotsBishop - 3 shotsRook - 5 shotsQueen - 9 shots Mechanical Turkey » Blog Archive » Drinking Chess Tournament Taken from Mechanicak Turkey. That's the first time I've heard of an actual chess...

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Jabeka Chess - Indonesia

By GilaChess - October 26, 2005
Source: Jakarta Press JAKARTA: Georgian WGM Nana Alexandria retained a half point lead at the end of the sixth round of the US$7,000 Jababeka Women's International Chess Tournament on Monday. Alexandria, the only grand master in the 11-round event, defeated Russian Adelaida Z. at Kartika Chandra Hotel in Central Jakarta for a total of 5.5 points. Tied for second are local player Upi...

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Jobstreet ad on chess

By GilaChess - October 24, 2005
A friend alerted me to this advertisement on Jobstreet for the coming Penang International Chess Tournament. Not surprising considering our Malaysian Chess Group moderator Mr Quah Seng Sun works at JobStreet Malaysia. Still it's a nice surprise to see more publicity for chess coming from other channels. A friend alerted me to this advertisement on Jobstreet for the coming Penang International Chess Tournament....

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RSC Open

By GilaChess - October 21, 2005
You've heard it here first. There will be an open tournament at RSC on the 27th Nov 2005. With the "dry season" of chess we are having it is anticipated that this event will have a record number of participants fighting for a share RM1600 allocated prize fund. I will get the details later for Jax Tham and place it on GilaChess.com. You've...

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Malay Mail Online:23RD Manila Sea Games Focus: Where are our associations?

By GilaChess - October 19, 2005
Malay Mail Online: "Out of the 36 associations whose teams will compete in Manila, only 16 turned up. “I’m sure the associations will have reasons for missing the meeting,” said chef-de-mission Low Beng Choo. She said the associations were only informed of the meeting on Friday after the National Sports Council (NSC) management board meeting in Bukit Jalil. A check with two sports...

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My Pictures published in New In Chess magazine

By GilaChess - October 16, 2005
Excited over the recent publication of New In Chess which included an article on Wang Hao using the pictures I took. Hope to get a copy of it soon to see if my name and website is mentioned in print for the first time!! Excited over the recent publication of New In Chess which included an article on Wang Hao using the pictures...

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GilaChess vs Chan Tze Chen

By GilaChess - October 14, 2005
I took part in the Chevrolet Open 2005. This tourney ran side-by-side the prestigeous Malaysian Open (won by wonderkid Wang Hao). The strength of opposition was of course much weaker (avg players ELO 1900-2000). This was my most satisfying game of the tournament as I got to take my revenge against Chan Tze Chen - a player I lost to in the Selangor...


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GilaChess No 5 on Technorati

By GilaChess - October 04, 2005
GilaChess blog is now ranked no. 5 on Technorati under the Chess Category. That's a jump of 2 places from No. 7!! GilaChess blog is now ranked no. 5 on Technorati under the Chess Category. That's a jump of 2 places from No. 7!! ...

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My Blog List