November 2015 - Blog GilaChess

Corrections: Yagi antenna is crap

By GilaChess - November 30, 2015
Not to mislead anyone about the Yagi antenna I talked about, I have to post this correction. I thought this antenna was good but luckily found out that it really is NOT from Amazon reviews and eBay buyers feedback. That is not to say Yagi antennas are all crap but the cheap China made ones are really poor quality. It will improve your...

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The all new DATCC

By GilaChess - November 28, 2015
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Shah Alam FIDE Rated (22-26 Jan 2016)

By GilaChess - November 27, 2015
This is good news for those staying in Shah Alam or nearby. That are not many FIDE rated tourneys in Malaysia, major ones being Malaysia Open, Selangor Open, National Close, Penang Open, Johor Open etc. So take note of this dates for those who want a chance to better their FIDE rating. For more info visit http://syazrin.com. p/s: It's not mentioned above but...

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5 tourneys this weekend

By GilaChess - November 26, 2015
Corrections: I added the 5th event which is the opening of the new DATCC which also has a small blitz tournament included. Local chess players are spoilt for tournament choices this weekend as we are looking at 4 5 tournaments coming up! Good or bad that they clash? I don't know. What do you think? Anyway the four five tournaments are:- Kejohanan Catur Masjid...

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By GilaChess - November 25, 2015
So what are your preparations for the coming  Penang / Johor Open? Mine is to solve the "chess" problems faced last year. The first two days of Penang Open I got to use my webcam to provide some live video feeds of the top boards complementing the live games handled by KedaiCatur. The problem was the the internet I was using was from...

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Johor and Penang Open targets

By GilaChess - November 25, 2015
It's just around the corner! Penang Open and Johor Open!! So what are your targets? Winning top 10 prize? Increase rating? Better than last year's results? Here's mine: I didn't do a good job last year at Penang Open as I can't help it. I was more into the food than the chess :) This year my aim is simple. To better this...

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Kejohanan Catur Masjid Ku (28 Nov)

By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
More info at their website here ...

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Klang Valley Masters

By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
Dates:           28 November 2015 (Saturday) &                         29 November 2015 (Sunday). Venue:           International Youth Centre, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras,56000 KL.                         (Bilek Bunga Raya)    Organiser:    KL Teachers and assisted by Cheras Chess Academy Categories:  a) Under-18 Open              b) Girls Under-12 Format:         7 Swiss Rounds (Rapid: All Moves in 30 Minutes with Increment of 10 Secs for each move)....

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IIUM Invitational Chess Tournament 2015 (28 Nov)

By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
Another tournament with big attractive prize monies. RM 1000 for open, RM 250 Under-17 and RM 250 Under-12 as first prize. Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/7thIIUMCHESS/ ...

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By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
function initialize(){ var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(3.039587, 101.794015); var mapCanvas = document.getElementById('map-canvas'); var mapOptions={ center: myLatLng, zoom: 18, mapTypeControl: false, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } var map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, title: 'UTAR Sungai Long City Campus KB Block' }); var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: 'UTAR Sungai Long City Campus KB Block, Jalan Sungai Long,...

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Page traffic vanity

By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
I know this is quite vain - looking at my website traffic stats, but I just can't help it :) Last weekend's event was of course the National Rapid and Blitz 2015 held at Tronoh Perak. I didn't go for the simple reason  no one asked me to. I just find it interesting that it got  traffic of 300+ for just a cut...

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Prize Monies

By GilaChess - November 23, 2015
Correction about my previous post about the Ole Ole tournament offering RM 200 for first prize for both open and junior category. My mistake, it's RM300. Nevertheless, one veteran chess player commented that during the BPM allegro over two decades ago the first prize money was RM 300. Back then that was a lot of money so many top players travel from state...

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Blitz game from National Rapids and Blitz (Tronoh)

By GilaChess - November 22, 2015
Just one of the random game taken from KedaiCatur.com between NM Jonathan Chuah and FM Lim Zhuo Ren. your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard ...


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Nelson NRCC 2015 champ

By GilaChess - November 22, 2015
Pinoy Nelson Villaneuva took home the grand prize of RM 1000 from the 2015 National Rapid Chess Championship held in Tronoh Perak today. As can be seen from the table below he was undefeated with draws against Emir and Masrin. Finishing 2nd place is Masrin Erowan and taking 3rd place is NM Jonathan Chuah. ...

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National Rapid Round 9 Live

By GilaChess - November 22, 2015
Please visit kedaicatur.com for the live games. ...

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Smallest tourney but biggest traffic

By GilaChess - November 16, 2015
The Ole Ole tourney is one of the smallest tournament I've attended. Small in terms of prize money scale. Not to belittle the organisers or anything but RM 200  300 for first prize is rather on the thin average side. :) To their credit, they did give out some voucher goodies to every participant. I got 20% discount for some burger/fries stall order. Also...

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