Search Engine Visibility for the Malaysian Chess Festival

By GilaChess - September 16, 2015

With the Malaysian Chess Festival about to start soon, I did a vanity search for the term "Malaysian Chess Festival" on Google, curious to see what are the top hits.

The top 2 hits are from Chessdom and FIDE websites.

The "unnoficial" collaborative blog is third on the list. New Zealand Chess Federation PDF on the festival ranks quite highly to at no. 4 because they put up that PDF way back in the beginning of the year. (thanks New Zealand !)

The Facebook page ( is also listed on the first page of Google Search result so it's a good thing as that's where most of the social engagements will come from during the event.    

Surprising that the old 2013 festival blog is still listed but that's ok too as now that reminds me to place new links (in DATMO 2009 - 2014 blogs )pointing to the new websites. It's never good to delete older blogs just because the event is over as you will lose the SEO (search engine optimisation) value.

Links from old blogs are still valuable in hyping out new websites !!

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