September 2015 - Blog GilaChess

Biggest Blitz in Malaysia

By GilaChess - September 27, 2015
2nd blitz for the festival! Well it's the biggest in terms of prize money. Let's see if it can also beat the record 173 participants in the first Blitz event also organised by the Malaysian Chess Festival. You can still register in the morning if it is not already full. ...

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Round 8 (live)

By GilaChess - September 26, 2015
shortcut keys : Press d1 square to retract one move and e1 to advance one move ...

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Air Filter for the chess player?

By GilaChess - September 26, 2015
Just to show that this blogger is not all talk and no action. Here are pictures of my "air filters". I have two pots of it in the room throughout the duration of this festival. I still feel they are important especially when you spend over a week in an enclosed hotel room. Hands up any chess player who did the same. These...

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Tooth paste puzzler

By GilaChess - September 26, 2015
Looking at the hotel tooth paste reminds me of a funny story when a chess player stayed over with me and he didn't know how to open this tooth paste tube. He kept pressing but of course no tooth paste came out because it was sealed. I was laughing at him since he was a relatively strong chess player. :) ...

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IM Padmini Rout

By GilaChess - September 26, 2015
Through the "luck" of the draw she will meet her 5th Indian opponent on Round 8.  IM Padmini Rout is one of India's most promising players. 21 years old and she already has a GM norm to her name, she is the Gold medallist in the Trompso Olympiad helping Indian Women team  to secure Silver. ...

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Round 7 (live)

By GilaChess - September 25, 2015
Note: shortcut keys - press d1 square to go back one move and e1 square to advance one move Game ended in a draw ...


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Barcode mystery

By GilaChess - September 25, 2015
If you are at the Malaysian Chess Festival hall outside, you will notice a strange barcode on one of the smaller notice board. One chess player did ask me what it was but I don't want to spoil the surprise. He guessed that scanning it will bring him to a particular website. I told him "what's the fun in that? A bar code...

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Malaysian Chess Festival Blitz

By GilaChess - September 25, 2015
This will be the last event for the Malaysian Chess Festival 2015. Register early to avoid disappointment. ...

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Round 6 (live)

By GilaChess - September 25, 2015
Note: shortcut keys - press d1 square to go back one move and e1 square to advance one move ...

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Lim Chong Memorial 2015 results

By GilaChess - September 25, 2015
Champion - Nguyen Van Huy 2nd - FM Le Thuan Minh 3rd - Nguyen Duc Hoa 10th - IM Ronald Bancod Best Malaysian - FM Yeoh Li Tian Best Veteran - IM Giam Choo Kwee Youngest participant Best Lady Best U12 ...

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Lim Chong - Round 6 pictures

By GilaChess - September 24, 2015
Pictures from the 6th round of the Lim Chong memorial tourney. Nguyen Van Huy is the sole leader with 5/5 points playing against FM Reyes who is just half a point behind. Tense last round? Pairing is out !! Who am I playing with ? Mr Michael Yeap - arbiter ...

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6th Lim Chong Memorial tourney starts

By GilaChess - September 24, 2015
77 players are taking part in this event held at the rest day of the Malaysian Chess Festival. Even strong players from the Open is taking part. Players like Nguyen Duc Hoa (currently joint leader in the Open), Nguyen Van Huy and Pascua Haridas are playing top boards. Here are some pictures from the first round. ...

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