September 2014 - Blog GilaChess

Ads supporting the webhost I am abandoning

By GilaChess - September 29, 2014
Funny that the sidebar ad is chosen just when I am not writing a positive post about the very same company. It's not chosen by me of course. It's Google algorithms working hard to match my content with the relevant advertisement, ...

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Pascua Haridas wins Politeknik Muadzam Shah International Chess Open 2014

By GilaChess - September 29, 2014
The two day open was won by the only titled player there, IM Pascua Haridas. He finished undefeated with a score of 6/7 drawing the last two rounds to fellow compatriots Nelson Venezuelo and Michael Angelo Palma. The two day open was won by the only titled player there, IM Pascua Haridas. He finished undefeated with a score of 6/7 drawing the last...

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Too easy to cheat

By GilaChess - September 28, 2014
3 years ago one of my friends showed me his then ‘cool’ smart watch cum phone. One look at it and you never guess that it is a phone. Incidentally he showed us the watch during one of the Malaysian Open at Cititel and I remember telling Najib how easy it was to cheat.   It still is. I can imagine this happening...

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Beginning of the end – Bye Exabyte

By GilaChess - September 27, 2014
One of the things I wanted to do was relaunch GilaChess.com in time for the recently concluded Chess Festival. That clearly was a fail :( Anyway, today I’ve just managed to back up the entire GilaChess.com to my hard disk. About 1 Gb worth of contents including pictures, results etc. This is in preparation to shift my webserver out of Exabytes and into...

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Suspicious popups from FireyRook chess blog

By GilaChess - September 25, 2014
Being hit by malware last year on my own website, this popup from fireyrook blog looks very suspicious. It’s probably just pesky ads but to be safe I immediately closed my browser window. Being hit by malware last year on my own website, this popup from fireyrook blog looks very suspicious. It’s probably just pesky ads but to be safe I immediately closed...

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Chess Festival over

By GilaChess - September 24, 2014
I know it's been over for at least 3 days but for me it's now only over after I finished the 2nd part of the Chessbase article last night. (First part here)That was my last 'task' for the Malaysian Open. It was tiring and there were lots of things I did not get to do. Didn't get to make my DGT board work...

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Pinoy dominance broken

By GilaChess - September 22, 2014
For the first time in the 10 year history of the Malaysian Chess Festival a non-Pinoy wins the Challengers section. Malaysian Syakir Shazmeer Muhd Azhar won the Challengers section with 7.5 points out of 9. Daryl Unix Samantila also shared the same points but lost on tie break to take clear second. ...

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Breakfast war

By GilaChess - September 20, 2014
IM breakfast Chief Arbiter breakfast my breakfast ...

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Top 5 Google hits

By GilaChess - September 19, 2014
Top five Google search results for the term "Malaysian Chess Festival" :- Malaysian Chess Festival | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/.../Malaysian-Chess-Festival/1538710381502... Malaysian Chess Festival. 298 likes · 29 talking about this. Malaysian Chess Festival. You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 9/12/14 Malaysian Chess Festival malaysianchessfestival.blogspot.com/ 2 days ago - Festival Blitz. blitz Get the forms from me in the tournament hall. Hurry register fast as this event is...

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Bukit Kiara Open Rapid results

By GilaChess - September 19, 2014
Nguyen Duc Hoa emerged champion in arguably the strongest one day rapid tournament in Malaysia this year. IM Nguyen Duc Hoa were among 4 players tied with 5/6. The other 3 were GM Laylo Darwin, IM Steven Yap Kim and IM Tran Tuan Minh. IM Steven Yap Kim GM Laylo Darwin IM Nguyen Van Huy IM Ronald Dableo IM Giam Choo Kwee The...

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Gila T-Shirt

By GilaChess - September 18, 2014
Just a few gila t-shirts left for sale. I could put it up at the GACC stall outside the tournament hall but they will be snapped up fast by strangers. So if you want, look for me. Only for the truly "gila" chess people. Sizes left : M, L, XL. Just a few gila t-shirts left for sale. I could put it up...

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Malaysian Chess Festival Blitz 2014

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Get the forms from me in the tournament hall. Hurry register fast as this event is usually packed. ...

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Hairulov is here!

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
After 2 days, I only just noticed today that Hairulov is taking part in the Challengers ! He currently have 2½ from 4 rounds. ...

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Outright leader

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
After 5 rounds,  finally a leader emerges in the 11th Malaysian Chess Festival (Open section). Pascua Haridas is the sole leader with 4½ out of 5 points. Picture above with him being interviewed on video by Mr Vijay Kumar so look out for the interview to be published soon. His teacher, Efren also did quite well defeating GM Forminyh in the Seniors section....

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Round 5 pairing

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
tr:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color:#ceceff; } tr:nth-of-type(even) { background-color:#ffffce; } Bo.   Name Rtg Pts. Pts.   Name Rtg 1 GM Zhang Zhong 2611 3½ 3½ GM Shyam Sundar M. 2468 2 IM Farid Firman Syah 2400 3½ 3½ GM Kunte Abhijit 2483 3 GM Dao Thien Hai 2482 3½ 3½ IM Nguyen Van Huy 2439 4 FM Pascua Haridas 2389 3½ 3 IM Nguyen...

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Challengers top board

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
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Nithya vs Nabil

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Nithya 3 pawns up vs Nabil ... ended up in a draw... Nithya backrank was weak  ...

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Nithyalakshmi Sivanesan

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Nithya did quite well drawing 1 FM and 1 GM in the first 2 rounds. ...

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Round 4 underway

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Round 4 of the Malaysian has just started. Here are pictures of board 1,2 and 3 respectively Round 4 on 2014/09/17 at 0900 Bo. No. Name Rtg Pts. Result Pts. Name Rtg No. 1 11 GM Shyam Sundar M. 2468 3 3 IM Farid Firman Syah 2400 19 2 14 IM Nguyen Van Huy 2439 3 3 FM Pascua Haridas 2389 22 3...

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Swiss on a Mac

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Who says you can run chess software on a Mac? Probably the one thing that discourages chess player from getting a Apple Mac notebook or desktop is the fact that it cannot run ChessBase or Fritz - a chess player's basic software requirement. Here's my Mac Book Air running the Windows version Swiss Manager. That's round 4 pairing by the way. No it's...

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Spotted at breakfast

By GilaChess - September 17, 2014
Strong chess player and avid supporter of chess spotted at breakfast ...

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By GilaChess - September 17, 2014

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A name to look out for

By GilaChess - September 16, 2014
Untitled Masruri Rahman pictured below just having defeated former Malaysia Open champion GM Cao Sang in round 3. ...

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I am back!

By GilaChess - September 16, 2014
Missed the 2 days of the Malaysian Open even though I was here at during the first few minutes of Round 1 and 2.Reason being I had to send 2 chess players on separate occasion to the clinic and hospital. Anyway today I hope there will not be any more medical emergency and I can finally be at the tournament.Hope to catch up...

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Malaysian Open after Round 2

By GilaChess - September 16, 2014
tr:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color:#ceceff; } tr:nth-of-type(even) { background-color:#ceffff; } Bo. Name Rtg Pts. Result Pts. Name Rtg 1 IM Tran Tuan Minh 2320 1 ½ - ½ 1 GM Zhou Jianchao 2583 2 GM Megaranto Susanto 2527 1 ½ - ½ 1 FM Muhammad Luthfi Ali 2339 3 FM Pitra Andika 2307 1 ½ - ½ 1 GM Gomez John Paul 2526 4 IM...

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