2008 - Blog GilaChess

Chess Scholarship anybody?

By GilaChess - December 21, 2008
Chess Scholarships are a rare thing in Malaysian Chess. So, it warms my heart when I see chess scholarships like these offered to the public:- Chessmate Academy Scholarship We are seeking 2 (two) enthusiastic junior chess players to be coached by our dedicated coaches. Our experienced coaches are passionate in teaching enthusiastic juniors. The objective of the scholarship is to support the chess...

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Death of print?

By GilaChess - November 21, 2008
The Seattle Times cuts 10% of workforce US Newspaper circulation down 4.7% Two Connecticut papers to be shut without a new owner Tribune Co. reports $124 million loss for 3rd quarter NY Times in trouble: advertising down 16%, may struggle to service debt New York Sun to close The perfect storm: Newspapers take a huge hit, print advertising dying Those are just the...

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High PR Chess websites

By GilaChess - November 19, 2008
After so much hard work I put into the latest chess website I was involved in, I got rewarded with a PR 4. My visits to Vietnam and Philippines were not in vain. Each one of the visit was for reporting on the chess tournament that was being held in both the countries. Both were high profile chess tournament so the eyes of...

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Cameraless in Vietnam

By GilaChess - October 21, 2008
Now in Vung Tau, Vietnam helping out in the World Youth Chess Championship 2008. One of the banes of a programmer is not having a camera when in an important event. I wish I had time to replace my faulty one before I came. At least there are other bloggers whom I can 'steal' some photos from. This is how the playing hall...

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National Closed starts tomorrow!

By GilaChess - May 30, 2008
The selection for the chess team members who will represent Malaysia to Dresden Germany will start tomorrow (31st May 2008). I will be there to blog about the event and you can follow the news via http://blog.gilachess.com and http://tcn.sourceforge.net. The selection for the chess team members who will represent Malaysia to Dresden Germany will start tomorrow (31st May 2008). I will be there...

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Another funny site

By GilaChess - May 28, 2008
Once in a while I bump into a website that is wacky and weird. Bush League, http://www.bushleague.tv is one such site. Thought weird, it is funny with it's humorous pictures and videos.  It's a little sexist but hey, what the heck, I don't care :) Basically the pictures and videos are focused on sports and women. In short it's targeted at men’s lifestyle....

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Bummer - no more free AVG

By GilaChess - May 26, 2008
I keep getting this popup from AVG these couple of days and I thought the upgrade was free, I've been clicking Upgrade later but only today I decided to make the upgrade. The cost cited at the AVG website was USD 59!! Man, now I have to find another free alternative to AVG, Anybody know of a good one? I keep getting this...

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This the season to be GilaChess

By GilaChess - May 25, 2008
There will be a crazy number of chess events and competitions organised this coming months. The National Closed which will be used to choose representatives to Germany for the Chess Olympiad at the end of the year is one of the biggest. After that there will be many one day tournaments as well. Check out GilaChess.com for more information and details. There will...

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Another source of online income

By GilaChess - May 25, 2008
If you serious to earn some cash from Internet with your blogs let me suggest you to join paid to write program. One of the best paid to write program is Bloggerwave. There is easy to sign up and with simple website make Bloggerwave more reliable. One of the easiest way to make money online is to join programs that pay you to...

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Susan Polgar Chess and Information Blog: How to decide the title?

By GilaChess - May 24, 2008
More drama on how Krush took it badly and sent her King flying off the board here. Related link How to decide the title? More drama on how Krush took it badly and sent her King flying off the board here. Related link How to decide the title? ...

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Susan Polgar Chess and Information Blog: A Malaysian Chess Feat

By GilaChess - May 19, 2008
Susan Polgar Chess and Information Blog: A Malaysian Chess Feat This simul event was even mentioned on Susan Polgar's blog. I got the opportunity to witness it first hand thanks to Jax who offered to drive me there. I made a pictorial report here. Susan Polgar Chess and Information Blog: A Malaysian Chess Feat This simul event was even mentioned on Susan Polgar's...

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New Zealander fund donation

By GilaChess - May 14, 2008
NZCF Olympiad Funds Appeal In November 2008 the prestigious FIDE (World Chess Federation) Olympiad will take place in Dresden, Germany. The massive chess Olympiads are staged at two year intervals. For this coming event, New Zealand has an historic opportunity to send what may well be our strongest ever men's and women's teams. The New Zealand Chess Federation is now launching an Olympiad...

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Beautiful New Zealand and Chess

By GilaChess - May 14, 2008
I know from some friends who have stayed in New Zealand for some time that it is a place of beauty. If you have watched Lords of the Rings trilogy you'll know what I mean as all three films were made there. However, the biggest attraction for me to go to New Zealand is their New Zealand Chess Open. I got to know...

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Pain of losing to a kid in chess

By GilaChess - April 25, 2008
This is the kid I lost to. I was winning of course. But in my mind I was already thinking that the game was won and got overconfident. One mistake was all it took to erase all my hard work and advantage. Still won 4th place despite the loss but it certainly taught me a good lesson. Never be overconfident and think that...

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Autoblog site getting traffic

By GilaChess - April 16, 2008
Ok, it's not really a splog site. It's a "aggregator". Splog is such a nasty word :) Anyway, my chess aggregator site is not as bad as a splog as: I have the permission of owners to aggregate their site Unlike Planet Malaysia, I do not post FULL article post from their RSS feeds. Only excerpts are shown. Planet Malaysia also claims to...

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99 cents breakfast at Ikea

By GilaChess - April 16, 2008
Toosuperheroes blog post on curry puffs from Ikea reminded me of the 99 cents breakfast I had at Ikea. I told them about it and I'm surprise they don't know about it. For their benefit and also those who may not know, I'll repost it here again. It's the cheapest breakfast you can have. For RM 0.99 you can have some Mee and...

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Having fun creating clones

By GilaChess - April 16, 2008
I created another new blogspot blog at: http://two-superheroes.blogspot.com It's just a parody of the original http://toosuperheroes.blogspot.com. Of couse the original is long established and is now PR3. I'm having fun now because clearly I have the better URL name and I even got to reserve http://twosuperheroes.blogspot.com. Granted all this is free so there is no cost involved except for the cost of time....

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USD 18K in one week

By GilaChess - April 16, 2008
This kid just made USD 18,000 in a week. His name is Wesley So. He is a Phillipino. I had the opportunity to bump into he and his father when they were in Malaysia. His father speaks Hokkien by the way.. Anyway, this kid is only 14 years old and he already made that amount of money a few days ago. How? I...

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50 blogs and counting

By GilaChess - April 16, 2008
I made a new year resolution this year in general to be more organised. One of the things I've done religously was to document all the new blogs that I've created. In the past there I created so many new blogs that I've forgotten their URLs. Each one had Google Adsense on it so sometimes I received a spike but since no channel...

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Rank no.1 on Google for single keyword

By GilaChess - April 11, 2008
Yes I rank no.1 on Google for a single keyword. It's not an easy thing to do. What's the word? "Zerofied" Yeah I'm proud of that. The articles are about what to do with blogs that have been punished by Google with PR0 for various reasons like writing paid post and selling text links. Do you rank no.1 on Google for any keyword?...

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Medium for blog advertising

By GilaChess - April 11, 2008
Online advertising has taken off in a big way last year when several companies began to leverage blog advertising. Traditional media is being replaced by electronic advertisement which is becoming more and more effective as the newer generation practically spending a whole lot of time online. If you are a blogger with an established blog, you can really monetize it by going into...

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Chess blogs !!

By GilaChess - April 10, 2008
I have more chess blogs than I can count on my fingers. But currently the one that is most active is http://blog.gilachess.com It's strange that I got into being a full time blogger because of chess too. The income that I made in the beginning from ads was pretty small and laughable. But as the years went, it really grew slowly. It reached...

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Give credit where credit is due

By GilaChess - March 29, 2008
I just hate it when I see bloggers steal my pictures without giving me credit. Sure they want to promote a chess event or something and they do a Google search and find pictures that I took. They then just insert it to their blogs without even mentioning the source - which is me. I don't mind people using my pictures - even...

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Snapbomb's a bomb

By GilaChess - March 27, 2008
Not a bomb in the bad sense that is. You can make a bomb of money now writing sponsored reviews what with so many paid posts programs out there. Snapbomb.com is yet another company that deals with blog marketing and pays bloggers to write reviews. Advertisers get to use Snapbomb for buzz marketing and making their products known. What makes Snapbomb stand out...

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The Professor falls to no 3

By GilaChess - March 25, 2008
It's a good feeling now that I'm making some headway in my plan to kick Professor Andrew Ooi out of Google search results on page one for our namesake. After almost a year, the prof is now down to no. 3 for the Google search term "Andrew Ooi". The professor enjoyed the no1 and no2 position for about a year. Now I've replaced...

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10 reasons why I'm so 'Gila Chess'

By GilaChess - March 21, 2008
1. It is so addictive I find chess more addictive than any computer game or online game. 2. It is a violent game You practically kill your opponent's ego when he or she loses. No computer game can compare to the violence in killing your opponent mentally. Yeah I do have a sadistic streak to me. There was one time when I lost...

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Reserving my name

By GilaChess - March 12, 2008
I've been battling for top spot on Google for my name "Andrew Ooi" on AndrewOoi.com and have finally achieved it after 11 months of blogging. Pretty satisfying. Now I'm concentrating on my Chinese name "Ooi Boon Seng" and I'm starting by using the blogspot account OoiBoonSeng.blogspot.com. Currently my name is only in 10th position on Google's first page.   I've been battling for...

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Go and get The Star Again!

By GilaChess - February 22, 2008
The 'old' chess column in The Star was usually fortnightly but I received an SMS from Remis Aman this morning with the following message:I was blogging from a cafe in Cameron Highlands at that time. I went out to a nearby shop and got a copy of The Star.I was think "Could it be? ... Quah Seng Sun's column is now WEEKLY ???...

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Timothy Tiah

By GilaChess - January 26, 2008
This young entrepeneur's short talk on the history of Nuffnang. This young entrepeneur's short talk on the history of Nuffnang. ...

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Launch another new site

By GilaChess - January 26, 2008
I've been launching so many new websites sometimes I lose track of them. So that's why I'm posting the link here to remind me that I created MyMuka.com a few days ago. MyMuka.com Launched : somewhere mid January 2008. Purpose: Aggregator for interesting posts from Malaysia I've been launching so many new websites sometimes I lose track of them. So that's why I'm...

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My Blog List