You have seen the above code before I am sure. I was just looking at the Penang Chess Open games that were just concluded on the computer screen and was wondering what was the fastest way to transfer the game from the computer screen to my phone so I can view it there. Main reason I was on my Mac and don't have...
Interactive crosstable for the curently ongoing Penang Open 2013 (up to Round 4) :- ...
Chess Notebook Alert! Now is the worst time to get a Notebook
By GilaChess - October 07, 2013
You want to buy a new notebook for chess? Nine times out of ten I guarantee you will regret buying a new notebook for chess (or any other purpose) now. The reason is that the new Intel processors that are coming out, namely the Haswell processors are incredibly power saving giving any Haswell notebook a whopping 10+ hours of daily use. You do...

What? There was an event in Sabah? Not one but two?! Why didn't anyone tell me about the Sabah Interstate and Sabah Grande rapid event? Or more accurately, I didn't bother to look at chess blogs to find out. But I am also saddened as usually I get emails informing me of any such local event. This marks one of the few times...
The 14th CAS Third Quarter Allegro 2013 was held at Wilayah Kompleks on the 8th September Sunday 2013. You can find the full report by Lim Tse Pin at the Selangor Chess blog. There were two categories played and Yeoh Li Tian emerged champion for category 1 while Koay Zi Hao was the clear winner with 7/7 in category 2. Below is the...
Anas @ SelangorKu Battlechess tourney. Round 7 board 1. ...
Was in the vicinity of Shah Alam around the end of the Selangorku Battlechess tourney today so I stopped by to take some pictures. It was literally the hottest chess event I've ever been to. Somehow I think the air-conditioning system broke down and the closed nature of the old Tengku Ampuan Shah Alam library exacerbated the condition further. Anyway, it's a great...
KL Datuk Bandar taking a picture of the junior team champiolns. That's what I call interest as most VIPs just sit down and watch :) ...
The surprise winner for this year's board 1 prize is... ...
Of all the 10 years for the Merdeka Team tournament I personlly cannot remember when a woman player won Board 1 prize. I think this is the first.
WGM Nafisa Muminova playing for the team All Ladies scored an impressive 8½ out of 9 to win the prize.