Procrastinator begone! - Blog GilaChess

Procrastinator begone!

By GilaChess - January 05, 2016

It's the new year and it is time to take a look back at what I did wrong with chess and blogging.

One of the weaknesses was the chess event's postings. The pre-post were great taking whatever media the organisers sent me and just reposting it up on the chess blogs, chess calendars and Facebook. That was easy so no problem there. A minor problem may have been the Johor Causeway Rapids. More info should have been posted sooner perhaps.

During the event reporting was okay with pictures and postings of the progress of the players using blogs and Facebook.

However, the post-reports is a fail. No complete posts on the Penang and Johor Open for example. I didn't even do one for the Malaysian Open 2015! Also the tournament websites for Penang Open and Johor Open were created but not updated :(

At least for 2013 and 2014 we had reports posted to Chessbase for the Malaysian Chess Festival. But nothing for last year.

Only now am I just copying the Johor/Penang photos to my computer !!

That's the procrastinator in me. I want to write a good final results but never get to do it because of excuses such as "too tired after the event is over", "was sick and need to recover first", "need to write the reports on my main PC and not iPad or notebook", "get ready to go back to work", "Exabytes hassling me over why I hate their webhosting service" etc.

I'd like to announce I will finish the Penang and Johor Open final reports soon but let's just keep our fingers crossed :)

Meanwhile you can read the excellent report written by IM Srinath Narayanan on the Johor Open in Chessbase India.

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