May 2014 - Blog GilaChess

Thanks to GilaChess supporters - relaunch and a new look for GilaChess

By GilaChess - May 07, 2014
MCF website has inspired me to restart GilaChess website which has been 'dead' for almost 2 years. If you haven't seen the 'new' MCF site take a look at it at: http://malaysiachess.com Here's a screenshot: It looks absolutely professional. Best of all you needn't spend a bomb to get this design. It's wordpress and cost about USD 59. It's called the SportsGazette theme...

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Sugar boost!

By GilaChess - May 06, 2014
I am always on the lookout for the type of food consumed by chess players. This is what I've managed to find out during the Selangor Open. Many of the top players frequently will take "snack breaks" in the form of candy bars and chocolate. They do so at least once but only in the middle of the game. Some will take it...

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2014 Selangor Open Champ

By GilaChess - May 05, 2014
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Queen of draws!

By GilaChess - May 05, 2014
Alia Anin Bakri. Not only did she qualify to go for the Olympiad, she did so without losing a single game and with 7 draws!! Personally I saw several of her games which she drew and most of them she had held a slight advantage. Hopefully the next jump for Alia is converting these draws to wins.. ...

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It's over

By GilaChess - May 04, 2014
I have never  helped out as arbiter in any chess event except during my school days when I was club president. But for the first time, I did so for Selangor Open only because I didn't expect it to be an arbitering task when I accepted it thinking "result arbiter" is just the person taking in the score sheets and recording the result....

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Still unbeaten

By GilaChess - May 03, 2014
IM Rolando Nolte with a perfect 5 points and playing Kamaluddin Yusof in the current round (6). ...

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Selangor Open Round 6 Live (Board 1)

By GilaChess - May 03, 2014
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Sisters Nabila, Najiha leads

By GilaChess - May 03, 2014
So far the top 6 are Nabila, Najiha, Li TIng, Alia,Renitha  and Puteri Rifqah. So far the top 6 are Nabila, Najiha, Li TIng, Alia,Renitha  and Puteri Rifqah. ...

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Malaysian Women Masters (Live video)

By GilaChess - May 01, 2014
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Sel Open & MWM Round 2 Pictures

By GilaChess - May 01, 2014
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