December 2011 - Blog GilaChess

Dragon not slain yet

By GilaChess - December 28, 2011
In this day and age, you'd think the old Dragon was slain so many times it's extinct. It's still alive in today's chess, surprisingly. Lots of resource have been found for the Black player to infuse new dragon's breath to this old opening. In this day and age, you'd think the old Dragon was slain so many times it's extinct. It's still alive...


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Weaker NJCC

By GilaChess - December 19, 2011
Both Yeoh Li Tian and Wong Jian Wen are not playing in the National Juniors which is essentially is an under 20 junior event. Understandable as both have played in some tiring events such as the Asian Amateurs, Penang Open and Sarawak Open. Favorites are most probably Mark Siew, MOHD Nabil and Roshan. Who is your pick to be 2011 National Junior master....

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By GilaChess - December 19, 2011
You know the horrible stories of waiters spitting on food of bad tippers. I have a suspicious feeling I am getting similiar treatment. Almost as soon as a mentioned how bad the web hosting company Exabyte service is, GilaChess.com and blog.GilaChess.com are down due to internal database error ("Error establishing Database connection" message) I know it could be a coincidence but it's really...

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Kelantan Team wins DATCC TEAM event

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
  Final Ranking after 9 Rounds Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  13Kelantan Chess Team963025.5150 21Najib's Rojak Team954025.0142 34Too Less Ordinary962125.0140 45Nusa Mahkota Chess Club952221.5120 5717 Chess Club942321.5100 62DATCC Seniors Team943220.5110 78Seahorse PETRONAS941419.590 86Renegade Chess Team932418.080 911Swordfish PETRONAS924315.080 1010Carikomputer Dot Com911712.030 119PJMIM Chess Team912611.540 1212BERNAMA Chess Team90091.000 source : http://chess-results.com/tnr60870.aspx?lan=1  Round 9 No.TeamTeamRes.:Res. 1  PJMIM Chess Team  Kelantan Chess Team1:3 2  Too Less Ordinary  Carikomputer Dot Com2½:1½ 3  Najib's Rojak...

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By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
No sooner had I mentioned Exabytes spotty services, I cannot connect to my gilachess blog due to database error. This is a common occurrence. I have given up callling on Exabytes support as they will most probably pin the blame on me saying I've used up too much server resources. Sometimes I think I am not the only customer who avoids complaining for...

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NJM - Is that even a title?

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
Someone asked me if NJM - National Junior Master is a recognised title. I don't see that title listed in FIDEs website so I guess it's recognised only by MCF since it was created by them. Even more recent is the newly minted Amateur Master (AM) title won by Ahmad Fadzil Nayan. FIDE doesn't recognise that title but since the Asian Chess Federation...

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Penang Open 2011 video

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
width="100%" height="388" witdh="588" frameborder="0"> width="100%" height="388" witdh="588" frameborder="0"> ...


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DATCC - Some pictures

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
The lower boards may have seen many absentees but the stronger teams all turned out and are fighting it out. Some notable players who turned up are IM Jimmy Liew, Sumant, Zaidan, Fairin, Fadli, Abdul Haq, Yeoh Li Tian, Yeoh Chin Seng, Abdullah Che Hassan. ...

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Exabyte loyal customer no more

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
RM 80 for reactivation fees!! Blogging for chess is not cheap. Especially when I have to pay th RM 80 on to of the annual fees to maintain my website. That's just for chess-malaysia portal. GilaChess.com renewal coming up in two weeks :( It's my fault for being late but it was only two days. I have been a customer of Exabytes since...

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DATCC team (last day)

By GilaChess - December 17, 2011
Last week's game had a poor turnout due to the rain and resulting traffic jam. Today's event on a Saturday morning seems not much better seeing the 6 empty boards at the lower boards. ...

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Maribelajar.com suspended

By GilaChess - December 16, 2011
Maribelajar.com which hosts chess-malaysia portal has been suspended. ...

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Lunch after Penang open

By GilaChess - December 10, 2011
Didn't realize the time and it's already 5.30 pm and I have not taken lunch yet. Followed foursquares on the iPad which recommended this place just 250 meters from the Tanjung Bungah hotel. Not bad. Char Kuay Teow. And the internet speeds is decent too. Free wifi. Password: 6666666666666 ...

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Chess Kidz make their presence felt

By GilaChess - December 10, 2011
That's GM Nelson Mariano who is busy throughout of the tournament taking care of his protégés of the Chess Kidz academy. I foresee many strong talents to emerge from Singapore in the coming years. That's GM Nelson Mariano who is busy throughout of the tournament taking care of his protégés of the Chess Kidz academy. I foresee many strong talents to emerge from...

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Asian Amateur all game complete

By GilaChess - December 04, 2011
Thanks to Mr Kaber, all the games from Round 1 to Round 9 is now available online.  Javascript playable version:- Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Tournament blog: http://asian-chess.blogspot.com ...

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