July 2005 - Blog GilaChess

GilaChess mentioned in a newspaper

By GilaChess - July 30, 2005
Believe it or not, GilaChess is mentioned in The Star on 29th July 2005, Friday for the first time in 5 years!!. It's a landmark for my website even if it's just the last line in the chess column referring readers to download entry forms for the Malaysian Open and Merdeka Team tourneys. Actually the official site is TCN (http://tcn.sourceforge.net). Anyway, thanks Mr...

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GilaChess hacked again

By GilaChess - July 26, 2005
Received an email from my webhosting company that GilaChess was hacked again. Apparently my-brand new-yet-to-be-announced GilaChess blog was hacked and defaced. On one hand I feel honored that my insignificant blog can get the attention of hackers but I am also worried that my main website http://www.gilachess.com might get hacked again. So I was forced to make an early backup of my website...

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KYUEM - 11th seed 11th place!!

By GilaChess - July 24, 2005
KYUEM chess tourney, Sunday - 25/0/2005 Woke up "early" this morning but forgot to charge my handphone and camera batteries. Great! So I won't be GilaChess the reporter but just GilaChess the player :) Then I forgot that I did not save the map and addres ot KYUEM to my thumbdrive (I have no internet connection at home). So I went to the...

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Quit job to play chess

By GilaChess - July 22, 2005
During last week's tournament, I talked to a chess player who actually resigned from a job to take part in the coming Malaysian Open. Now that is what I call 'GilaChess'. As for me, I didn't have to do anything as drastic as resigning. Thankfully as I got leave for the whole week of the Malaysian Open (it's 99% confirmed anyway). Wished I...

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Biggest Chess tournament to held in Malaysia

By GilaChess - July 21, 2005
This is taken from The Chess Network. Looks like it's going to be a busy August and September for chess players in Malaysia. Click here to view the Details of the Merdeka Festival Or visit The Chess Network for more details. I'm taking a whole week off work to be part of the Malaysian Open. It's the 2nd in a hopefully long series...

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GilaChess got Hacked

By GilaChess - July 18, 2005
On Friday night 8.30pm a hacker replaced one of my heading file in GilaChess. Carelessness on my part for not checking all my files were protected. Anyway I was lucky that was as far as the hacker can go. He/she could only overwrite one file. I already made periodic backups of my website but restoring it took 3 days. Lesson learnt! One good...

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MCD - feel good tournament

By GilaChess - July 10, 2005
Where were you guys?? I thought there would be a strong support for this charity event. I even overheard a few saying in the previous CAS tournament that it's a good cause and they will enter the tournament but I didn't see you guys here at all. Anyway, only 14 participants took part and almost all (excluding me of course)very strong players. Here...

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