Tools for blogging - pay or not? - Blog GilaChess

Tools for blogging - pay or not?

By GilaChess - March 03, 2023

My chess blogs have been relatively dead for years now with the odd article popping up. This has changed recently with the advent of ChatGPT and MidJourney.

These are AI tools said to be "disruptive" technology that is revolutionary. I didn't catch on to the hype until 2 weeks ago when I started to try these tools. ChatGPT was incredible in letting me create content that I wanted but had no idea how to start writing. ChatGPT did the research and presented everything in bullet points which I can expand on and describe further. MidJourney made it easy to imagine image illustration - invaluable to a blogger searching for that perfect thumbnail or sample picture.

ChatGPT is still free but MidJourney isn't. Also, the text generated by ChatGPT is not 100% grammatically perfect. This is where Grammarly comes in. Basic features are free but it has premium paid features too.

May not be cheap but totally worth it if you want to write blog articles effectively.

It's an amazing new period for bloggers!!

(P/S: this article was vetted by Grammarly and it made 5 major corrections)


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