MCF website: Suggestions - Blog GilaChess

MCF website: Suggestions

By GilaChess - September 11, 2014

Happy to see the launch of MCF new website (http://malaysiachess.com <== good  and easy to remember URL) on March this year.

It appears as the top entry for Google Search keywords on "Malaysia Chess" -two key words natural for a stranger who wants to know about Malaysian Chess. So this is a good place for anyone new to find out about chess in Malaysia. Interesting to note that if it was "Malaysian Chess" then CAS (Chess Association of Selangor) blog will be on top of the search result, not MCF but close enough I guess.

However very sad to see that it has not been updated as can be seen from their list of archives that stops on the month of April !

It is good that MCF spent the initiative to look more professional and move away from the hobbyist free blogspot website and get a paid hosted website as well as  buy a professional looking Wordpress theme (Sports Gazzette Wordpress Theme - USD 59).

So my suggestion is simple. UPDATE the website !

Get a specific person to do it ~ a proper web administrator ! Don't just pay USD 59 and get a wordpress theme, post a few articles and let the site slowly gather dust.

Also, since the old blog (malaysiachessfederation.blogspot.com) still turns up as the number 1 spot for someone searching in Google for "Malaysian chess federation", it would be wise to put a prominent link on the old blogspot site redirecting visitors to the "new" official federation website. Otherwise you will have people looking at the old content which is outdated.

I may not be active in chess anymore but it is very sad to see those elected to represent Malaysian Chess not being active in this area. Also it is a waste of USD 59 as well as whatever MCF is paying for the yearly webhosting if the site is not used at all.

P/S: With the chess festival starting soon, web searches for "Malaysia Chess" will no doubt be at it's peak for this period.

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