April 2005 - Blog GilaChess

Round 4

By GilaChess - April 30, 2005
The picture above shows Kamaluddin Yusof vs Zarul on top board in Round 4. (Hmmm... they are camera shy as soon as they spotted my camera phone :) ) Round 3 at top boards saw Roslina Marmono holding top seen Leong Mun Wan to a draw. As for me... Round 1 -lost to Kamaluddin Yusof. 2nd Round - Bye(half a point). I finally...

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Memang Gila

By GilaChess - April 29, 2005
What was I thinking of? The Royal Selangor Chess competition takes up 5 days and I didn't even apply for leave from work. Stupid as I was I registered. True to my nickname GilaChess, I can't resist chess. Anyway did all of this during lunch and even managed to play half a game in the first round against Kamaluddin Yusof - winner of...

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Coffee Shop Blogging

By GilaChess - April 02, 2005
I recently bought some 2nd hand equipment from Lelong.com to make posting to this chess blog even easier. I just took the picture and am typing out his blog entry from a coffee shop in Petaling Street. Pretty cool huh?? (For the tech savvy: I'm using an old Nokia 7650 with GPRS access with an Palm V PDA) As some of you already...

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