August 2019 - Blog GilaChess

Benefits of an AI Chess Coach

By GilaChess - August 31, 2019
The coming of the AI coach is not on anyone's radar now except for the obscure post at MCF.news. I just want to add there is an added benefit to the human coaches despite the perceived threat of AI replacing the human coach. The human coach is still essential and the AI coach just acts as assistant. Particularly useful when doing remote coaching...

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Cheating vs Violation

By GilaChess - August 15, 2019
Recently a player in the ongoing Malaysian Chess Festival, who shall go unnamed, was caught with a phone on his/her person. That person's game was immediately forfeited because this is a clear vioaltion of the rules of the tournament. No chess program can be found on the phone so the case is not a proven cheating case. However the player was suspended from...

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Metal detectors for tournaments

By GilaChess - August 07, 2019
That's the price of one type of metal detectors at Lazada. Cheap right? The shorter the wand the less sensitive the metal detector is. That is why the short one sold at Lazada is only RM 35. I mention in a past post that metal detectors can be used as one of the deterrent to chess cheating but as usual technology moves at a...

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Countdown to Malaysian Chess Festival

By GilaChess - August 03, 2019
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