May 2017 - Blog GilaChess

Cheaper And Better DGT alternatives

By GilaChess - May 29, 2017
Chess is boring when it comes to attracting the general public interest. That is why even though live viewership is depressingly low (5-15 viewers per session) for a typical live local DGT broadcast game, it is still  attractive to organisers to be able to project the on going games on screens. It's a novelty and attracts attention even from non chess playing public....

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By GilaChess - May 13, 2017
This happen weeks ago at the Selangor Open 2017 but it hit me today and I just have to share it lest it it be lost to memory :) (which would be unfortunate). I was on my way out after taking some pictures for a break when one parent stopped me. Apparently a chess player was lying down on the stage and had...

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Li Tian - Yu Yangi (live)

By GilaChess - May 12, 2017
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Why no Malaysian Grandmaster yet?

By GilaChess - May 11, 2017
Weekend tournaments aplenty but we Malaysians are not serious and lack the drive to push our chess to the next level. For me personally I can see the vast difference in "drive" can be seen in how hard working Indian chess players are especially in the juniors.  I saw 10 year old Gukesh pressure the first seed Selangor Open GM on first board...

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Malaysian Chess Server

By GilaChess - May 10, 2017
What is a chess server? A chess server is simply provides the facility to play, discuss, and view games of chess over the internet. Let's see. How many chess servers can you think of? For me it's FIC, ICC, Playchess, Chess Cube, Chess24, Chess Live, FIDE Online Arena and Chess.com. However back in 1997 there was the World Chess Network. I really liked the...

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Selangor Open 2017: Day 3 pictures

By GilaChess - May 01, 2017
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Selangor Open : Dimakiling leads after 7 Rounds

By GilaChess - May 01, 2017
At the conclusion of Round 7,  IM Oliver Dimakiling takes over as sole leader of the 2017 Selangor Open after a draw vs GM Laxman R.R. and winning IM Jimmy Liew in round 6 and 7 respectively.  Dimakiling now has 6 out of a possible 7 points. GM Laxman R.R. and GM Nguyen Duc Hoa are folling closely just half a point behind....

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