Malware woes on Exabytes server again.
Exabyte is well aware of the problem and they are blaming me for it! They even sent warning emails to shut down my websites and terminate my account if I do not “fix” the problem. Very disheartening considering I just paid for a year’s hosting. I regret not backing up and moving away from them earlier.
Anyway I will be spending time (again) finding and killing those pesky malware file. I am even contemplating writing my own “healing” scripts that will detect changes in my original files and do self repair. I pity their customers who are less technically inclined and have no idea what to do.
In the meantime GilaChess main website and blog will be down.
Also please remove links to as your site may be wrongly labelled by Google as malicious.
Venue: Midvalley Cititel
Interview by: yatzchess
Yatz: So, how do you think you performed in this rapid event?
Emma: I did alright. I didn’t do horrible well. The main idea was to warm up, to practice all my openings.
Yatz: You are representing Australia for the coming Olympiad?
Emma: Yep
Yatz: What is your total score in the rapids?
Emma: 6 out of 9.
Yatz: So, you are happy with your performance?
Emma: Yes.. I am happy (laughs).
Yatz: Are you a full time chess player?
Emma: Well I am still in school but I try to do both.
Yatz: How old are you?
Emma: I am 17, still in school. So I am not a full time chess player.
Yatz: At what age you started playing chess?
Emma: Err.. I was 5 or 6.
Yatz: Who is the one that encouraged you to play chess?
Emma: My older brother because he studied chess in school… and we got a coach.
Yatz: Is your brother a strong chess player?
Emma: No (laughs). He gave up chess years ago. He still plays chess from time to time.
Yatz: Is it hard to balance chess and studies?
Emma: Definitely. At the moment I am actually missing a few of my exams. But my school has been very cooperative and they moved the test but it is still very hard. For this tournament I’ve been doing assignments.
Yatz: Wow. That is pretty difficult.
Emma: Yeah, it’s pretty difficult to keep up your chess ability and school at the same time.
Yatz: Do you plan to become a full time chess player in future?
Emma: Chess pro? No I don’t think so. Too hard to be and I’ve got of other things going. But chess will always be there. For the enjoyment.
Yatz: On chess training. How many hours do you spend in training .. usually ?
Emma: Usually? (laughs) I’d like to spend an hour at least. But that’s very hard. During the holidays , I try to spend a few hours a day and get a few coaching sessions and ICC.
Yatz: What type of exercises you do when you train? You train your openings, tactics…?
Emma: I do a lot of tactics but I do a lot of work on openings which I’ve improved on.
Yatz: Do you regard chess engines as an important tool in your chess training?
Emma: No (laughs). I think my coach is.
Yatz: Who is your coach?
Emma: GM Ian Rogers. I think he has played here a couple of times before he retired.
Yatz: Do you prefer if chess engines never existed?
Emma: No. I do enjoy them. But I get more work done with my coach then using chess engines.
Yatz: Working with coaches you get a better understanding?
Emma: Yeah. Definitely without question. With a chess engine you have to go through all the lines and find out why but a chess coach can help you help explain better.
Yatz: Besides chess do you do other sports because you need to be physically fit ?
Emma: Yeah. Very draining. I do indoor soccer and football.
Yatz: Do you watch football?
Emma: Yeah. The EPL.
Yatz: What is your preparation before a tournament?
Emma: ICC is pretty much a big part of it. And just practicing my tactics and openings.
Yatz: How much sleep do you get before a tournament?
Emma: I try to get as much sleep as I can. Maybe 8 hours at least.
Yatz: 8 hours?
Emma: At least. Yeah.
Yatz: I usually couldn't sleep the night before a tournament due to nervousness, have you experience it?
Emma : Well, I don’t have that problem. I am more nervous DURING the game.
Yatz: So do you consider yourselves a tactical player or more positional player?
Emma: Tactical definitely. I am pretty hopeless at positional. (laughs). I find it too boring.
Yatz: I supposed experience helps in positional understanding.
Emma: Yeah. Definitely. I’d like to think I am good at positional but I prefer tactical position a lot more.
Yatz: What was your first FIDE rated tournament.?
Emma: (laughs) I don’t have a clue but it’s probably the Australian Championship.
Yatz: You have been travelling around the world playing chess. Which country have you visited the most?
Emma: Definitely Malaysia. I have been coming here for the past 5 years.
Yatz: So you have been here 5 years in a row?
Emma: Yeah. Last year I was sick so I got to play only a couple of rounds.But I’ve been coming to Malaysia for a long time now.
Yatz: So will you be here next year?
Emma: Yeah. Hopefully.
Yatz: So, which chess player inspire you the most?
Emma: I don’t really have one.
Yatz: I mean an idol?
Emma: Chess idol? (laughs) I don’t really have one.
Yatz: What is your chess targets?
Emma: I just want to improve my rating at the moment.
Yatz: Any targets of a chess title, WFM etc.?
Emma: I already got a WIM. I reached that last year in January. So the WGM… But I want to improve my rating first. One step at a time.
Yatz: Thanks for the interview.
This interview took place at the Malaysian Chess Festival 2012.
Yatz also did an interview with WGM Irene Sukhandar ( and IM Senador for the same event.
Anyway, by 3pm I was ready to drive home.
Could not wait for the closing ceremony and take pictures of the prize winners at 5pm. On the positive side I got back in time not to miss the early "Loh Sang" my cousin bought. :)
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