October 2005 - Blog GilaChess

Not forgotten

By GilaChess - October 31, 2005
I lost my wallet last week but a good samaritan called me up (my namecard was in my wallet) and returned it back to me where I lost it - near a shopping complex. As I happily returned home, I passed this old poster. It's sad as it's a picture of a chess enthusiast - Koh Kai Hing. It's been almost a year...

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RSC details

By GilaChess - October 31, 2005
RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL 2005 Venue: Royal Selangor Club, Bukit Kiara Sports Annex Date: Sunday, Nov 27 (Last Day for registration is Nov 20) Time: 10 am to 6 pm Format: 7 Rounds Rapid-Play Entry Fee: RM 20 (20% discount for family with 3 or more players) PRIZES: 1st Prize: RM 500 + Spotted Dog Plaque + Cert + Challenge Trophy 2nd Prize:...

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RSC Open forms delay

By GilaChess - October 29, 2005
RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL RAPID-PLAY on 27 Nov at Royal Selangor Club, Bukit Kiara Sports Annex. Prize fund: RM1600. Sorry as I still couldn't get the details yet because Jax fax it to my office and the fax machine just didn't get it. Will try again to get the softcopy somehow. RSC OPEN CHESS FESTIVAL RAPID-PLAY on 27 Nov at Royal Selangor Club,...

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Drinking Chess Tourney

By GilaChess - October 28, 2005
For each piece of yours that is taken, you are required to drink the value of the piece as measured in shot glasses of beer.Pawn - 1 shotKnight - 3 shotsBishop - 3 shotsRook - 5 shotsQueen - 9 shots Mechanical Turkey » Blog Archive » Drinking Chess Tournament Taken from Mechanicak Turkey. That's the first time I've heard of an actual chess...

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Jabeka Chess - Indonesia

By GilaChess - October 26, 2005
Source: Jakarta Press JAKARTA: Georgian WGM Nana Alexandria retained a half point lead at the end of the sixth round of the US$7,000 Jababeka Women's International Chess Tournament on Monday. Alexandria, the only grand master in the 11-round event, defeated Russian Adelaida Z. at Kartika Chandra Hotel in Central Jakarta for a total of 5.5 points. Tied for second are local player Upi...

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Jobstreet ad on chess

By GilaChess - October 24, 2005
A friend alerted me to this advertisement on Jobstreet for the coming Penang International Chess Tournament. Not surprising considering our Malaysian Chess Group moderator Mr Quah Seng Sun works at JobStreet Malaysia. Still it's a nice surprise to see more publicity for chess coming from other channels. A friend alerted me to this advertisement on Jobstreet for the coming Penang International Chess Tournament....

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RSC Open

By GilaChess - October 21, 2005
You've heard it here first. There will be an open tournament at RSC on the 27th Nov 2005. With the "dry season" of chess we are having it is anticipated that this event will have a record number of participants fighting for a share RM1600 allocated prize fund. I will get the details later for Jax Tham and place it on GilaChess.com. You've...

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Malay Mail Online:23RD Manila Sea Games Focus: Where are our associations?

By GilaChess - October 19, 2005
Malay Mail Online: "Out of the 36 associations whose teams will compete in Manila, only 16 turned up. “I’m sure the associations will have reasons for missing the meeting,” said chef-de-mission Low Beng Choo. She said the associations were only informed of the meeting on Friday after the National Sports Council (NSC) management board meeting in Bukit Jalil. A check with two sports...

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My Pictures published in New In Chess magazine

By GilaChess - October 16, 2005
Excited over the recent publication of New In Chess which included an article on Wang Hao using the pictures I took. Hope to get a copy of it soon to see if my name and website is mentioned in print for the first time!! Excited over the recent publication of New In Chess which included an article on Wang Hao using the pictures...

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GilaChess vs Chan Tze Chen

By GilaChess - October 14, 2005
I took part in the Chevrolet Open 2005. This tourney ran side-by-side the prestigeous Malaysian Open (won by wonderkid Wang Hao). The strength of opposition was of course much weaker (avg players ELO 1900-2000). This was my most satisfying game of the tournament as I got to take my revenge against Chan Tze Chen - a player I lost to in the Selangor...


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GilaChess No 5 on Technorati

By GilaChess - October 04, 2005
GilaChess blog is now ranked no. 5 on Technorati under the Chess Category. That's a jump of 2 places from No. 7!! GilaChess blog is now ranked no. 5 on Technorati under the Chess Category. That's a jump of 2 places from No. 7!! ...

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