September 2005 - Blog GilaChess

Anya Corke Fan Website

By GilaChess - September 26, 2005
Just finished creating this fan website for WGM Anya Corke. I did it because it seemed like Anya has made quite a number of fans judging from the comments at my website. I put up a poll to gather a minimum of 10 votes from members before I set up a fan site for Anya. Anyway here it is. PS: The site took...

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Pocket Fritz 2

By GilaChess - September 22, 2005
Just got my copy of Pocket Fritz 2 on my iPAQ PDA. This is something I wanted since last year! Maybe I'll do a review of the program later. Here are some screenshot of the program in the meantime:- Let me play with this program for a few days before I write something about it. Just got my copy of Pocket Fritz 2...

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Hardly a World Championship

By GilaChess - September 22, 2005
Former world champion had this to say about the World Championsip selection process about to start in Argentina:- "This can hardly be called a world championship, as the rules of sports were not observed," he said. "There was no [proper] selection. Of course, each of the eight candidates deserves respect, but others had no chance to have their say." Original source:- RIA Novosti...

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Top 10 on Technorati

By GilaChess - September 21, 2005
Technorati is the authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs. It boasts of tracking 17.7 million sites and 1.5 billion links. GilaChess weblogs was on the top 50 for some time but after the recent Malaysian Chess Festival blogs we have jumped to top 10 on Technorati!! The list was sorted based on the keyword Chess and sorted based on...

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Karpov vs Maradona

By GilaChess - September 21, 2005
The Russian grandmaster Anatoly Karpov Monday played human chess with Diego Maradona as part of the TV show the Argentine soccer star hosts in Buenos Aires. The match ended in a draw, but Karpov played with his eyes covered by a black strip. Read more here.. The Russian grandmaster Anatoly Karpov Monday played human chess with Diego Maradona as part of the TV...

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Top Chess blogs

By GilaChess - September 18, 2005
GilaChess blog has just been listed it self at BlogShares. We are at no 53 at the moment. GilaChess blog has just been listed it self at BlogShares. We are at no 53 at the moment. ...

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More mobile now

By GilaChess - September 18, 2005
Just got a PDA with WiFi support. I addition I got a keyboard to go with the PDA so that I can key in articles and results faster. This means I can now post articles from any WIFI 'hotspots'. I can't wait to try this out at coming local tournaments. Let's see how this works in practice. You should see chess news and...

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Malaysian Chess Festival comes to an end.

By GilaChess - September 11, 2005
I have never seen so much chess activity in a month!! First we had the Malaysian Open and Chevrolet Open. Then came the Merdeka Team Championship, a short blitz open, and the FIDE World Championship Zonal 3.3 here in Malaysia. GilaChess.com managed to cover all the events. The Malaysian Open was a nightmare as GilaChess.com was under DOS (Denial Of Service) attack. Basically...

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GM Dao misses win ?

By GilaChess - September 06, 2005
GM Dao misses a possible win as GM Paragua triumps again. I will get the scores of that game later. (I still am not sure that there was a missed win now that I have the game). Was GM Dao mistaken or did my patzer brain total miss it. Can anybody see a missed win ? Anyway I think it was an exciting-no-holds-barred...

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FM Mok beats GM Bazar

By GilaChess - September 04, 2005
FM Mok Tze Meng caused the upset of Round 3 when he beat GM Bazar (ELO 2445) on the black side in a tense ending. Picture above showing FM Mok being congratulated by fellow Malaysians after his brilliant win. He now has 2 points out of 3 points. From the previous blog article, WGM Anya lost the ending (in picture) and GM Mark...

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Chess battle in downtown KL

By GilaChess - September 04, 2005
A fierce chess battle is taking place in an area of Kuala Lumpur city known as "Chow Kit". Chow Kit is a long road where you can find all sorts of shops that sells a variety of cheap goods. It's also known as the downtown area of KL so it's the most unlikely place to find gladiators of the mind doing battle. This...

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Round 2: GM Paragua Game

By GilaChess - September 04, 2005
[Event "FIDE (Zone 3.3) World Chess Ch"] [Site "Stanford Hotel, Kuala Lumpur"] [Date "2005.09.04"] [Round "2.2"] [White "Paragua, Mark"] [Black "Nadera, Barlo A"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A00"] [WhiteElo "2596"] [BlackElo "2423"] [PlyCount "73"] [EventDate "2005.09.03"] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. Bd3 c5 6. c3 Nc6 7. Ne2 cxd4 8. cxd4 f6 9. Nf4 Qe7 10....

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Pairing and player list for the Zonal is out!

By GilaChess - September 02, 2005
Men 1st round pairing Women 1st round pairing FIDE (Zone 3.3) World Chess Championship 2005 (Men) Round 1 Bo. SNo. Name FED Pts Res. Pts Name FED SNo. 1 1 Dao Thien Hai VIE 0 0 Tirto INA 23 2 24 Pg Mohd Omar BRU 0 0 Paragua Mark PHI 2 3 3 Adianto Utut INA 0 0 Dinh Duc Trong VIE 25...

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Zonal 3.3 with Mark Paragua

By GilaChess - September 02, 2005
Newly crowned Grandmaster - Mark Paragua will be playing in the Zonal held here in Kuala Lumpur. Tonight will be the player's briefing and the first round will start 3rd of September 2005. Only 2 male players and one female player will be selected to represent this zone in the World Championship 2005.Here is the list of participants : FIDE (Zone 3.3) World...

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More Pictures from Prize Giving

By GilaChess - September 01, 2005
I'm back from my Grandmother's funeral. Nothing new to blog about since the event is over but I have some pictures to share.. Me with GM Koneru Humpy (taken after the prize giving). Koneru didn't do too well finishing with only 6.5 out of 11 - but it was still good enough for top 10. More pictures here. I'm back from my Grandmother's...

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