Why I frown at 'Mirror' sites

By GilaChess - July 02, 2022

It's here again! The Malaysian Chess Festival 2022 after Covid has put it on ice for 2 years.

I am usually tasked with updating the official tournament site with information and downloads for the entry form. What I hate most is other blogs copying and pasting the tournament information and offering the entry form but putting up a duplicate copy on their own site or file hosting like Google docs.

I am not upset because of some petty reasons like "it this takes away importance" or "traffic" from the official site but when there are changes to the tournament information like hotel fees, tournament venue, technical information etc,, these changes won't be reflected in the copied information by these other websites or blogs. 

For example, there are changes to the 2022 Malaysian Chess Festival that were just made and the new updated entry form published. Visitors of the official site will get the latest forms but if there are any "mirror" sites with the old forms, then there at would be problems.

I get it that chess bloggers are enthusiastic and want to help spread the word around using their resources like website or blogs but unless they are so efficient that they can update their sites as soon as the official site does it, they would be introducing confusion to would be participants.

Thankfully (or sadly), most chess blogs are dead in 2022 and I don't see any mirror site for the chess festival.

I am not against mirror sites but if you really want to be a mirror, at least link to the original forms for example, and not create a copy.

Talking about mirror sites. You can get to the chess festival via


or the mirror site


Here mirroring is fine because the contents are the exact same, only the URL is different. 

Besides that the older datcc blog (https://datcchess.blogspot.com) will also be posting the same content as the official tournament website.

NOTE: please redownload the entry form as there are changes like the Cititel Venue is now official venue, the exchange rate for the Cititel rooms etc. Also follow the official site for the latest info!

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