Chess Events App - Blog GilaChess

Chess Events App

By GilaChess - July 25, 2018

The local one or two day events in Malaysia is getting so popular we are seeing a chess tournament almost every weekend!

With the fast growing popularity of chess events like these I think the time is ripe for a good mobile phone app that will do the following:

  1. List all upcoming events so that it's hard to miss any tourney that a chess enthusiast is interested in.
  2. Easy pre-register for participants from their phone
  3. Registration is thru Facebook account as that will have a "karma" points attached to it so that without payment, a pre-registration account can be known as a consistently "trusted" one (i.e. registered and no cancellation) or a low trusted account (consistently cancelling pre-registration).
  4. Support the 'old fashion way' of bank in and show proof by letting the app take pictures of deposit slips and attaching it to the online entry form submission.
  5. Confirmation for participation for their entry and if possible to see the size/total participation updated periodically.
  6. An easy to fill web form for organisers to get their tournaments listed.
  7. Automated pre-registration details available to chess organisers online.
Nice but not essential
Other nice but not important feature would be :-

Alert the user if there are (or will be) any tournaments nearby based on the current position of the phone.

Rating System
Chess enthusiast know if a tourney is "worth" their effort. For example a tourney with a RM 30 entry fee but with the first prize at RM 150 (one star?) would rate lower compared to one that has RM 30 entry fee but RM 500 as first prize (three stars).

Just my opinion. What do you think?

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