Event Registration System - Blog GilaChess

Event Registration System

By GilaChess - November 09, 2016

This is the first time I am talking about the local chess app AI Chess. Truth be told I have been sceptical about their efforts to write a multipurpose app that can :

  1. give access to games of local chess players
  2. live DGT chess games
  3. event registration
  4. chess puzzles
  5. online chess games
  6. and many other chess related services
For one thing, I thought it's a just too ambitious and they would run out of energy in a short while. Collecting local games into one online database is not just tedious but serious hard work. However, I have come to change my mind on that after meeting and taking a close look at what AI Chess is doing.

Their online database is growing. It now includes 100 local chess players and about 2000 games. 

Event Registration
What I am impressed is their latest update which includes an Event Registration System which is something very useful to chess organisers. From the app you can choose the event listed and proceed to register yourself as well as make payments. 

Nothing special here as many local chess organisers are already using online Google Forms to get players' detail. However what AI Chess app goes one step further that it allows for online payments to be made via local bank. It's no different from booking a cinema online ticket. 

That means immediate payment can be made and eliminates the current trend of taking a picture of the bank-in slip and sending that to the organiser. With event registration automated, it also means a Swiss manager list of participants is created and easily imported into the program.

Some screenshots of the event registration process:

First you choose the event you are interested in as the app will list all the upcoming local chess event.

 Event details is shown.

 Clicking on the "Register" button.

Working Payment Gateway
What is impresses me is that their payment gateway is already working! After clicking on "Register" you can make payments via the major online banking portals like Maybank2u, RHB, CIMB, Public Bank etc. This is something not easy because as a developer, I have explored various payment gateway systems and none were easily implemented or cost effective. Kudos to the AI Chess developers!

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