May 2024 - Blog GilaChess

I am chess blogger

By GilaChess - May 12, 2024
Chess has been a part of my life from the age of six, when I learned it from my father. The spark didn't completely burn until I was ten years old, on the long dining tables of Rest House Teluk Intan, a Mas employee who frequented the Rest House, through defeat after defeat, taught me the beauty of techniques like forks and discovered...

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Blogging is dead, long live YouTube

By GilaChess - May 10, 2024
 Chess blogging is my hobby. It’s been my steadfast companion through the years, all the content of interest to me - documented in  my trusty gilachess blog.You see, blogging is more than just a pastime; it’s a chronicle of thought, a canvas for the written word where strategy and stories unfold like a well-played endgame. It's my digital scrapbook!Now,everyone with a 10 second...

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Abandon Ship!

By GilaChess - May 10, 2024
All my chess websites sits on ONE webserver. Eg: Catur, GilaChess, MCF (Malaysian Chess Friends), and Chess Events. Been plagued with malware attack since last year. It's so bad, the attack is from different fronts. There is also DDOS attacks from "zombied" PC from various countries. So it's both internal as well as external attacks.Managed to fend off most of the internal attacks...

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How many years before any women break into the top 10?

By GilaChess - May 04, 2024
 Asked ChatGPT 4.0 this question and it simply refused to give an answer. Not even a guess! So repeated modification of the prompt finally forced it to reply:Predicting when a woman will break into the top 10 in world chess rankings involves many variables, including the progression of individual players, the development of the sport, and opportunities for women in chess. However, if we...

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