September 2023 - Blog GilaChess

18th Malaysian Chess Festival (video)

By GilaChess - September 20, 2023
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18th Malaysian Chess Festival 2023 Chess-Results Links

By GilaChess - September 20, 2023
 SMS Deen Merdeka Open Rapid Team Chess Championship 2023 Event 1: OPEN TEAM RAPID6th Dato Tan Chin Nam Foundation Merdeka Rapid Team Junior (U12) Chess Event 2: JUNIOR TEAM RAPIDEvent 3: Merdeka Blitz Chess Championship12th Dato' Tan Chin Nam Foundation Open Rapid Age-Group Chess Championship Event 4: U0618th IGB Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysian Open Chess Championship 202316th Mid Valley City Malaysia Chess Challenge...

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16th Mid Valley City Malaysia Chess Challenge Champion

By GilaChess - September 09, 2023
20 year old Philippino Olaybal Christian Marcelo emerged champion of the 16th Mid Valley City Malaysia Chess Challenge scoring 8 points from 9 rounds.Olaybal Christian Marcelo had 8 wins no draws and 1 loss - half a point ahead of his nearest rival.Taking 2nd to 5th place are Philippinos: Andes Franklin Loyd , Canino Ruelle ,Abris Cedric Kahlel and Marcellana Mark James. Olaybal wins...

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Malaysian Chess Festival - Senior Section winners

By GilaChess - September 07, 2023
MAIN PRIZES (TOP 5)RankName RtgRatingFEDBirthPtsBH1GMVillamayor Buenaventura2311SGP19677½462IMGunawan Ronny2223INA19606½473IMLioe Dede2299INA19706464GMFominyh Alexander2203FID1959644.55IMBancod Ronald2174PHI1971643.5BEST MALAYSIAN (TOP 3)1IMLiew Chee-Meng Jimmy2154MAS19585432FMIsmail Ahmad1772MAS1963538.53Sabri Mohd Saprin1932MAS1972537BEST Seniors 65 — 74 years (TOP 2)1CMSpiller Paul1846NZL19574½35.52IMChan Peng Kong2159SGP1956440.5Senior Above 75 years (TOP 2)1Kuich Gero1340SUL19424322Kwan Nam Sang Eddy1762MAS19453½29.5Grandmaster Villamayor Buenaventura of Singapore is the champion for the Seniors section of the 2023 Malaysian Chess Festival. The Grandmaster finished one full point of his nearest...

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GM Sivuk Vitaly is Malaysian Open Champion 2023

By GilaChess - September 04, 2023
 GM Deepan Chakkravarthy, GM Mitrabha Guha, GM Vitaly Sivuk (SWE), and IM Aditya Bagus Arfan (INA) all received scores of 7/9. Better tie-breaks allowed Sivuk to win the 18th IGB Dato' Arthur Tan Malaysian Open in 2023. The final three positions were second through fourth, respectively. The only leader going into the final round was Mitrabha. He was defeated by Deepan, and Sivuk...

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GM Sivuk Vitaly is 2023 Malaysian Open Champion!

By GilaChess - September 03, 2023
Grandmaster Vitaly Sivuk of Sweden won the 2023 Malaysian Open Championship. Four players tied for first place with 7 out of 9 points, but Sweden's incumbent champion triumphed due to a better Buchholz tie break.The FIDE Aid Package funded the 18th Malaysian Chess Festival, which took place in Kuala Lumpur from August 25 to September 3. The Malaysian Open Championship, a nine-round Swiss...

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