August 2023 - Blog GilaChess

Happy Merdeka!!

By GilaChess - August 31, 2023
Today is the 31st of August - Malaysia’s 66th Independence day so it was appropriate before the start of the AGE GROUP event that these 3 cheers were done. The Age group is part of the Malaysian Chess Festival 2023. Today is the 31st of August - Malaysia’s 66th Independence day so it was appropriate before the start of the AGE GROUP event...


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Malaysia Open 2023 - After Round 4

By GilaChess - August 30, 2023
 Indonesian 19 year Zacky Dhiaulhaq , who is untitled is the surprise sole leader of the Malaysian Open 2023 after 4 rounds. In round 3 and 4 he beat International Masters Ameya Audi (from Indonesia) and Jagadeesh Siddharth (from Singapore) respectively. However 9 players are following closely just half a point behind with 3 and half points. They are : IM Nitin S....

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Malaysia Open - After Round 3

By GilaChess - August 30, 2023
6 leaders emerge after 3 rounds have concluded in the 2023 Malaysian Open. They are:IM Nitin, S.GM Sivuk, VitalyIM Concio, Michael Jr.Bacojo, Mark Jay Dhiaulhaq, Zacky IM Siddharth, Jagadees1st and 2nd seed GM Raymond Song and GM Mitrabha Guha were slowed down when they drew their Round 2 games. FM Poh Yu Tian, playing Black, held GM Raymond Song to a draw. Chinese...

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Malaysian Open - Round 1

By GilaChess - August 29, 2023
Round 1Results from round 1 was as expected which was the stronger ELO players overpowering the weaker except for the following:Kaushal Khandar playing Black, held GM Deepan Chakkravarthy to a draw.WFM Diajeng Theresa Singgih held FM Wong YInn Long to a draw. There is a 500 points rating difference between the two but probably not surprising as the WFM is under-rated having lost...

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Who says chess players are poor?

By GilaChess - August 15, 2023
 Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen, who each have a net worth of $50 million, are the richest chess players in the world. Both players became wealthy through outside commercial enterprises and chess competitions.Of course, these 2 are the elite of the  chess professional. So emulating them even if you reach Grandmaster status (there are about 2000 GMs in the world) may not even...

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By GilaChess - August 12, 2023
 This year's Malaysia Chess Festival sees one big difference for me as a blogger because I won't be staying at the venue itself, which is Cititel Mid Valley, like in past years. I am not complaining, as I felt very lucky to be able to bring my home setup, which is multi-monitors and a full desktop setup, to the hotel room. And to...

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