2020 - Blog GilaChess

Howler of a Blunder

By GilaChess - November 29, 2020
GM Yasser Seriawan coined the term "Howler" to refect a very bad move made in chess. In chess the usual term used for a bad move is a blunder. So a Howler is a BAD blunder.I made the biggest howler when I lost all my website content because I missed payments for the website a few months back. That's years of content from...

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The Queen's Gambit vs The Coldest War

By GilaChess - October 25, 2020
  One is a movie and the other a mini series. But both are about chess or at least centres around the game.The depiction of Chess from The Coldest Game was silly to say the least. For one thing, in The Coldest Game, the person who overseeing the game is called "arbiter", not a "judge". Also, when a player wants a draw, there is...

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AISS Chess Championship

By GilaChess - July 31, 2020
Aspiration International Secondary School brings the Malaysian chess enthusiasts its first-ever AISS Chess Championship! Register NOW and join the online chess competition and stand to win cash prizes:Under-16 Category RM 500 (total prizes) Under-13 Category RM 450 (total prizes) When?Sunday 2nd of August 2020Under-13 years old @ 1.30 – 3.30pmUnder-16 years old @ 4.00 – 6.00pm Where to register?Online Chess Platform: lichess.orglichess.org U-16 link: https://bit.ly/accUnder-16lichess.org U-13...

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Chess Masks!

By GilaChess - July 28, 2020
Malaysia is doing well at least better than most countries in this covid pandemic times. I feel we are wasting a lot of resources with disposable masks and washable/reusable masks is more sensible. A chess friend got the idea and came up with a chess-motif mask! I think it's a great idea. He sent me one but I am in Cameron Highlands for...

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Still dreaming: Local Internet Chess Server

By GilaChess - March 08, 2020
    If someone described me a procrastinator and dreamer, they are so right! Talked about "wanting" to do this - setting up a local (Malaysian or at least Asia based) chess playing webserver for many years now. Wrote about the Holy Grail of Installing Chess Servers in 2016. Nothing has happened since then. The obvious questions is why on earth would anyone want...

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Postponed: 3rd Johor Bahru International Chess Championship 2020

By GilaChess - March 07, 2020
3rd Johor Bahru International Chess Championship is postponed due to the covid19 virus. ...

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50 first dates with GACC

By GilaChess - February 12, 2020
I love this romantic comedy movie and it's about Drew Barrymore who plays an amnesiac whose short term memory can only retain the last 24 hours and forgets everything the very next day. It's a beautiful and creative story which I really liked. It's perfect to illustrate GilaChess relationship with GACC. For example, I've helped them in the early days when blogs and...

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