August 2014 - Blog GilaChess

Website Up, Performance check – ok

By GilaChess - August 28, 2014
  The Malaysian Chess Festival 2014 tournament website is up (http://datmo.net) and performance check with pingdom tools is ok. In fact, from the stats it is the fastest website I have ever run. Now just waiting for the tournament to start and contents to fill up the website.   The Malaysian Chess Festival 2014 tournament website is up (http://datmo.net) and performance check with...

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Malaysian Chess Festival is back !! (2014)

By GilaChess - August 27, 2014
Exactly two weeks before Malaysia’s biggest chess event starts at Cititel Mid Valley, KL (Sep 12-21. 2014). I am not very much involved in chess anymore but every year this is still THE event I lend my full support because it is not only the biggest chess tournament but also the most enjoyable chess event of the year. It’s the only time I...

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Top 10 Malaysian Chess

By GilaChess - August 27, 2014
Top 10 search result for “Malaysian Chess”.No. 1 is MCF official website but lately looks like it hasn’t been updated on any of the latest tournament, updates relating to Malaysian chess or chess news including the coming Malaysian Chess Festival. A good start when they launch the shiny new site this year but hopefully it does not follow the older MCF websites which...

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