July 2013 - Blog GilaChess

Chess Player in pageant contest

By GilaChess - July 22, 2013
This is an annual event run by NUS Business School and our very own NM Edward Lee is participating. Show your support for the man by voting for him with a Facebook like Vote/Like HERE P/S: That's an old picture of him. You'd be surprised how he looks today. ...

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Malaysians' ratings disappear again in FIDE

By GilaChess - July 01, 2013
No rated players in Malaysia? Well those with good memory will know this has happened before. Someone was late in paying FIDE again? That's the likely reason. Also, Malaysia is not the only one facing this embarassing situation.    Singapore seems ok in this respect as their ratings show as normal. I guess it's becoming like a yearly routine (like the haze?) the...

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