March 2008 - Blog GilaChess

Give credit where credit is due

By GilaChess - March 29, 2008
I just hate it when I see bloggers steal my pictures without giving me credit. Sure they want to promote a chess event or something and they do a Google search and find pictures that I took. They then just insert it to their blogs without even mentioning the source - which is me. I don't mind people using my pictures - even...

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Snapbomb's a bomb

By GilaChess - March 27, 2008
Not a bomb in the bad sense that is. You can make a bomb of money now writing sponsored reviews what with so many paid posts programs out there. Snapbomb.com is yet another company that deals with blog marketing and pays bloggers to write reviews. Advertisers get to use Snapbomb for buzz marketing and making their products known. What makes Snapbomb stand out...

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The Professor falls to no 3

By GilaChess - March 25, 2008
It's a good feeling now that I'm making some headway in my plan to kick Professor Andrew Ooi out of Google search results on page one for our namesake. After almost a year, the prof is now down to no. 3 for the Google search term "Andrew Ooi". The professor enjoyed the no1 and no2 position for about a year. Now I've replaced...

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10 reasons why I'm so 'Gila Chess'

By GilaChess - March 21, 2008
1. It is so addictive I find chess more addictive than any computer game or online game. 2. It is a violent game You practically kill your opponent's ego when he or she loses. No computer game can compare to the violence in killing your opponent mentally. Yeah I do have a sadistic streak to me. There was one time when I lost...

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Reserving my name

By GilaChess - March 12, 2008
I've been battling for top spot on Google for my name "Andrew Ooi" on AndrewOoi.com and have finally achieved it after 11 months of blogging. Pretty satisfying. Now I'm concentrating on my Chinese name "Ooi Boon Seng" and I'm starting by using the blogspot account OoiBoonSeng.blogspot.com. Currently my name is only in 10th position on Google's first page.   I've been battling for...

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