One week prep - Results

By GilaChess - January 24, 2006

Ok. It's time to evaluate the success of my One Week Chess Preparation Plan: 1. Tactics: Moderate success as I only spent 5-10 minutes a day. I did see a marked improvements in games where I won with tactics. 2. Online Conditioning: Failure. Only played games on Friday online using 2 minute time controls. My game against Kamaluddin was drawn where I was winning. Reason being: I only had 1 minute plus. Drew another winning game vs a junior in Round 5 because I didn't have time again. 3. Rest: Failure. Slept late at 3.30 am the night before because I was preparing some chess CDs to be sold. Woke up at 10am and was lucky that I arrived late for the first round but in time to play to win. What a messy start. 4. Openings: Success. Kamaluddin fell right into a prepared variation. Though I did not gain a huge advantage but it was a good feeling playing familiar moves. 5. Have fun: This I had a lot. Met new friends like George Hew who brought along his two sons to play. I also met chess friend Yusof Yasnain and Ricky Wong at the tournament. Sad to see the ever-friendly Anthony Tan and his son, Francis absent from the tournaments nowadays. It was through Anthony I got to know so many chess friends. I am very sure that long time use of Pocket CT-Art and Pocket Encyclopedia Of Middlegame will be beneficial for my chess as I do not have a coach. Neither do I have time to attend any sort of chess classes. My PDA has become my chess coach !! Good to see new faces and especially new families like the Hews taking part. This is indeed good for local chess. Chess events should be social events as well as friendly competition.

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